chapter 30

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"Y/n you good?" Feitan grabbed your hand. "Yeah I just think I should go" you said. "We can go" he nodded. "No just me" you looked back outside to his jeep.

His eyebrows furrowed. "We'll take these to go" he told the pink haired waitress. "Alright I got you" she side eyed you before she left to go get some to-go boxes

"Y/n, can you talk to me please?" He studied your expression. "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you" you were the brink of tears.

"Here y'all go" the woman brought back two small boxs and a bag. Though before she left she leaned down and whispered in feitan's ear.

She glared at you and left once she was done.  Feitan seemed angry, he started to pack the uneaten dounuts into the boxs and then in the bag.

"Let's go y/n" he mummered.

As the two of you made your way to his car, you could see the word SLUT spray painted in red on both sides of his jeep.

The car ride to his house was silent. "I'm sorry" your voice trembled. Feitan sighed. "Can you tell me what's going on with you now?" He asked.

"Im being accused of beating a girl to death, trying to kidnap someone's kid and I'm pretty sure my mother and brother are worried sick about me" you explain.

"Is that why you were in the parking lot alone and covered in blood" he asked. "Yeah"

"Are you still going to green island?"

"Of course"


Your phone started to ring again but this time it was your brother. "I think you should answer the phone" he glanced at you.

You sighed before answering the phone "Y/n! Y/n me and momma have been calling you for the longest. Where are you?" Kyoto said.

"Hey Kai, I'm alright" you told him. "Y/n tell me where you are and I'll come get you" he exclaimed.

"Did momma see the video..?" You recalled how your stalker sent that video to everyone. "Yeah, but she doesn't care about that she just wants to know if your safe" he answered.

You went silent. "Y/n at least just tell me if your okay" you could hear the  worry in his voice. "Yeah I'm alright, I'm with a friend" you added as you looked at feitan.

"You know killua came by and told me and  mama about everything" Kyoto said. Feitan's shifted some of his attention to your conversation with Kyoto.

"He did?" You croaked. "Yeah he only explained what happened at the skating rink and asked about you" he explained. You got quiet.  "He didn't  go into detail about what happened but he said he's sorry, It seems like he really cares about you" Kyoto hinted.

"Yeah right.." you agreed. "Well me and mama will be waiting for you at the airport with all your stuff" He said.

"Thanks, I'll see y'all tomorrow" you smiled as you hung up the phone.

Feitan pulled into the parking lot and got out of his car. He opened his trunk and took out a rag and a spray bottle. "Lemme help you" you offered. "There's another rag in the trunk" he said as he started to spray the substance on the spray paint.

You went to his trunk and got the rag and, started scrubbing the red spray paint off of the right side of his truck while he did the left side.

"So have you found out who this stalker is?" Feitan bluntly asked. "No" you responded.

"You should start looking into it before you or anyone else gets hurt" he said.

"Alright" you nodded.

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