Spy twink gets stuck and needs enemy to 'help' him out

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Satoru was on a mission to find a "dangerous weapon" from an enemy organisation, so he was currently heading to the base, which was obviously the basement of an abandoned building.

He rolled his eyes as he checked the address, "What a cliché... Gangsters aren't even creative anymore! I bet the weapons are just some sort of bomb.." as he got near to the building, he left his car behind and continued out on foot, so as to not alert anyone of an intruder. He put his mask on as he got closer, in case anyone was lurking around nearby.

Oddly enough, there weren't any "guards" or anyone around at all. He spoke into the little microphone planted at his earpiece, "Snow Leopard reporting" he rolled his eyes at the name, "There's no one here. Are you sure you gave me the right place?" A voice came from the other end, "I'm positive it's the right one. I'm detecting a body signature from inside of the building ." Satoru spoke with a puzzled tone, "Only one person?" The person from the other line responded, "Yes, but don't underestimate them. They wouldn't keep any random agent to guard a weapon." Satoru scoffs, "That's all you have? Alright then." he switches off the earpiece.

He gets to the "abandoned" building warily, keeping a gun in his hand as he enters. There's only one floor above ground which is completely empty, giving an eerie chill down Satoru's back.
He heads down the stairs, and sees light shining from below. There are many boxes in the room, but only one stands out. It is the only box closed, and is placed far back in the large room.

He takes a small dagger out of one of his numerous pockets and starts cutting the box open. "I swear to god, if it's a fucking bomb..." he unfolds it, and the box is filled with something that resembles jelly, only if it were black and most likely not yummy.

He goes to touch the substance, but he realises something. He thinks to himself 'what if it has some sort of poison coated on it?' He puts on leather gloves from another one of his pockets as he touches the substance.

At first it moves, like jelly normally does. He goes to touch it again, but this time it's completely solid, and not budging at all.
He touches it a third time to actually confirm that this weird jelly had solidified within seconds, but this time it grows bigger, and Satoru jumps back.

As he steps back wearily, he doesn't realise how a piece of the "jelly" separates itself to trip him. As he falls, he braces for impact. He closes his eyes and covers his head, but nothing happens. Instead, he feels himself being flipped to face the floor, and his waist being held—no, enveloped by something that feels like metal.

He opens his eyes and tries to push himself out, only for it to get tighter. He sighs in defeat and realises that this was the jelly looking substance.

He curses to himself as he hears footsteps coming from behind him, condemning himself for not checking properly.
Now he knows for sure that the jelly-looking contraption was being controlled by a second party.

The sound of this man's footsteps go around the contraption in front of Satoru, and he's curious to see who his future murderer is.

"Suguru?!! What are you doing here!" Suguru looks at him, puzzled. "How do you know who I am..." and then he sees Satoru's eyes. "Wait a minute.." he takes off Satoru's mask and sighs. "Satoru?? I should be asking you the same!"

His so-called future murder was Suguru Geto, or how anyone who knows Satoru would say, his highschool sweetheart. Except now, he was taller, had longer hair and was definitely hotter.

He doesn't know if he should feel happy or sad, seeing Suguru so long after his disappearance. "Oh my god, Suguru! Where did you disappear
off to?!" Suguru chuckles awkwardly, "Would you believe me if I said I moved?"

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