1. A New Sub-Scenario has Arrived!

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'Phew, finally finished with this scenario.' Dokja wiped the sweat off his forehead, he was tired of all the monsters he had to fight. 'It seems it'll take awhile before the next scenario is ready.' Dokja looked up at the dokaebis who were talking to one another, panicking and in a hurry it seemed.

"Dokja!" Yoo Sangah hurriedly ran  over to him with a worried expression.

Dokja turned to her, "what's wrong?" He asked, wondering what the problem was since the scenario had already been cleared without casualties.

She fidgeted around with her hands before speaking, "we received a weird quest scenario..."

"What's wrong with it?" Kim Dokja was confused, they could easily carry out other scenarios now.

Sangah started to sweat, "well—well the contents... inside the scenario information is quite strange..."

Dokja looked even more confused. Strange? What about it could be strange? "Do you want me to look over it?" It must've been the reason Sangah was looking for him.

"Y-yes!" She raised her head.  "Follow me!" Sangah started to move, running back from where she came from.

They reached a new place.

"It's strange..." A woman with her hair tied up in a high ponytail observed the invisible screen in front of her.

"What even is this?! Nonsense! A side scenario being mandatory?!" A young girl kicked the ground below her. "Master! Are you going to do it?" The girl asked the tall guy dressed in full black clothing.

"Mandatory?" Kim Dokja interrupted her. He had never heard of a side quest being mandatory..

"Ah!" Lee Jihye looked over at Kim Dokja. "Looks like you just arrived!" She moved into Dokja's face like an energetic kid. "You missed out on a lot, master got a new quest."

Dokja tried to keep her not so close to his face by blocking her with his hands. "What are the contents in it?" He asked Yoo Joonghyuk, known as "master" by Jihye.

Joonghyuk became agitated when he heard Dokja's voice talking to him.

Dokja could feel the man's glare piercing him even from afar. 'Calm down! You'll drill a hole through my head!'

The man only glared more intensely.

"Oh yeah! You haven't told us the contents other than it's mandatory yet, master!" Jihye stopped her excitement. "So what's on there?"

Joonghyuk calmed down a bit. He started to tap on the air, opening the system. Joonghyuk got onto the sub scenario's tab and was about to read the words.. when the screen started to glow insanely bright.

The shine could be seen from the others around who before couldn't even see the screen. They all covered their eyes, trying to block the light. But the blinding light slowly faded after some time.

"What was that?!— Han Sooyoung was about to complain about it when she saw a new blue screen in front of her.


The scenario screen was in front of everyone.

Kim Dokja looked over it. Indeed, the contents were strange.

Category: Sub
Difficulty: S+
Description: In a far away planet resides a grand palace and its followers, the Roan empire. Winning wars one after another, bringing glory to the newly founded empire, a new ruler had been appointed.
Clear conditions: Gain the trust of both the royal family, nobles, and its citizens.
Time limit: None
Compensation: 100 million coins.
Failure: Eternal slumber.

'Ha.. was this what those dokaebis were gathering around for?' Kim Dokja came to a realization.

"What should we do, Dokja?" Yoo Sangah asked him.

Dokja looked at the screen, nervously sweating. "Looks like we have no choice but to do as told." He tried to hide his worries behind a smirk but deep down he wasn't confident in this. He had no background information about this, it had never occurred inside the novel.

"Look at him trying to act confident when he has no idea what to do!" Sooyoung mocked his attempt to hide his weaknesses, pocking his cheeks.

"Sooyoung!" Sangah said in a sweet mother's voice that tried to sound mean and nagging.

"What are you my mom?" Sooyoung asked back arrogantly.

"Sangah, it's fine." Dokja interrupted. "Let's move on with the quest."

"Yes, Dokja." Sangah agreed.

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