A New Home

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Transferring to a new school was hard for Madelyn, especially since she was moving across the country from a small town in California all the way to New York City. Her father was recently promoted and she was now living in a spacious apartment in Manhattan across the street from Avengers Tower; the large scale battles kept rent in that area low, but the view and space was more than worth the risk.

She walked into her new room which was nearly twice the size of her old one with a walk in closet, privet bathroom, and a wall made almost entirely of glass. Her new and old furniture mixed together awkwardly, the old wood of the stuff she brought with her didn't match the polished white and glass of the new. 

She would have to take the subway this morning to get to her new school: Midtown High. Walking into the bathroom, she reached into a drawer and grabbed her hairbrush and began brush her dark brown hair that fell past her shoulders, usually she would just leave it be but today she wanted a fresh start and a chance for people to take her seriously. Madelyn was below average height and was not particularly fast when it came to processing information which tended to be to her disadvantage, but today would be different. she smiled at herself in the mirror and took in her simple blue dress and black boots. She was going to prove herself and maybe even more.

Madelyn walked out of her room and was nearly tackled to the floor by her four large dogs, they were nearly as tall as her and three times as strong. despite this, they almost always listened to her and viewed her as the boss. Her family was lucky to end up in a building that allowed pets, or else all her animals would have to stay with her mom in California which Madelyn didn't like the sound of. Her family isn't perfect, but this move is going to be a fresh start for all of them, things are going to be better now.

She took the elevator down to the lobby and rushed past the door man. There was no way she be late to school on her first day. But on her way out the door same thing caught her eye. She looked up and saw the gleaming letter A that represented the Avengers on the building across the street. It was magnificent, she truly was lucky to be living where she is now. 

Snapping herself out of it, she hurried along the rout to the terminal that her dad made her memorize a few days prior. It wasn't long till she was boarding the metro car and finding a place to sit. This place wasn't the cleanest, but she would make do. As the train lurched forward she began to think about the world she had just stepped into, a world filled with superheros and fantastical fights, something about it just made sense. 

Before she knew it, the car came to a stop and she had reached her stop, she expected the train and ascended the terminals stairs to the world above. Her new school was right there. She walked along the path next to a football field and courts used for various sports. The building its self was quite large and had multiple stories. Her homeroom would be chemistry with Mr. Cobbwell. before making her way to her lab she stopped at her locker; number 1983. As she was closing it, the boy at locker 1984 closed his at the exact same time. She was startled and nearly fell over. But she never hit the ground, instead the boy had caught her hand and helped her upright. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. His eyes were wide but his response time made it seem like he knew something would happen. Even Madelyn who was not the brightest could tell that something was strange about him. Somehow she managed to stumble out a thank you and retracted her hand from his grasp. "What's your name?" he said in a reassuring tone.

"Madelyn," she responded. She felt heat rising in her cheeks. He was maybe half a foot taller than her and had brown hair. The boy wore a dark blue sweater over a collared shirt. He was very handsome and seemed sweet.

"Hi Madelyn," he said with a smile, "I'm Peter. its nice to meet you!" the bell would ring soon and she had to get to class. She quickly said good bye and stumbled up the stairs to her first class. Oh my goodness, what just happened? She thought to herself. That was so awkward and I totally made a fool of  myself. 

Quickly, she scampered through the door of her new chemistry class. The students had the ability to pick were they sat so Madelyn chose the seat in the second row next to the window. No one had claimed the other seat at her station yet. 

A few minutes went by and class was about to start when all of a sudden, someone rushed into class and picked the last empty seat which just so happens to be right next to her. And what a surprise she had when the face she was greeted with was the one that had helped her in the hallway. The face of Peter Parker.

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