Where is Home?

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The subway was quiet. everyone was minding their own business. Most people were starring at their phones and a few read books. Madelyn was starting to get used to it but it was still quite confusing. New York was so much bigger than her old home and it could be disorienting at times.

Another stop came and went. No one got off. One person got on. He wore a brown trench coat that clearly needed to be washed and some thick sunglasses. Madelyn stared for a moment then quickly looked away. It's rude to stare.

the man sat at the opposite side of the car and placed his brief case next to him. she forgot about him after that

At the next stop only one person left. It was the man. Madelyn didn't notice that he left his briefcase until after he was off the train. but it was fine. she would report it at her stop. It was the next one anyway. except it wasn't fine.

A moment later it happens. she couldn't see. Only green. And the sounds like machines screaming...

and screaming...

and screaming.

It was too loud. Madelyn could see everything and nothing. The worst part was she didn't even stand up to run away. She just sat there. All she could do was breath. Breath and try not to die. Surely someone would save her. This place had super heroes.

This place. What is this place? Why is she here?

Who is she?

As the questions crash through her head she hardly notices the green fade to black. The roar of sound becomes so shrill and fear filled until it was simply gone. No light, no sound, no questions.

Only fear.


2 years later...

The room is cold. Every thing is white. the walls, the bed, the door. Except for the broken streak of green across her vision. She tries to look around the streak and quickly discovers that it is only her hair. Has it always been like that?

A few seconds after she awoke two men ran into the room. One of them was middle aged and the other was significantly younger. The younger man showed concern that seemed to be directed towards her. The older one seemed concerned, but this time for himself and the young man by his side.

"Are you okay Madelyn?" The boy asked. She didn't know how to respond. Everything was off. She felt wrong. Like her body and thoughts had been taken out and rearranged a million times over.

A small "no" was all she could get out. She was surprised she could speak at all. It felt wrong. Something happens but she didn't know what. Who are these people? Where is she?

The two men were looking at each other. The older one seemed in charge and he didn't seem to like her. "Do you know what happened?"

She couldn't bear to speak again so she only shook her head. This seemed to agitate the both of them. What was going on. They glanced at each other again and the older one nodded. Slowly, the young man approached her and sat at the foot of the bed. "Do you know who I am?" He asked.

She shook her head again. Sadness was obvious within them both. He seemed kind and she felt bad. "Do you remember anything Madelyn?" Once again she shook her head he was clearly distraught. She wished more than anything at this moment to comfort him but simply didn't know how. "Do you have anything you want to know before we fill you in on what we believe happened."

With all her force of will she uttered three words that left a cold chill over the room. "Who is Madelyn"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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