It Can Be Hard To Find A Home

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Peter and Madelyn didn't speak much during class. Just a simple greeting at the start and good bye once it was over. She thought about him as she walked to her next class but Peter slipped to the back of her mind as she focused on making it through the day with out any major problems.

She worked her way through English and history fairly easily. Madelyn may not be good at everything, but she did have perseverance. Of course perseverance doesn't always cut it and that's when you have to bring other tactics into play, like cheating. She ever so sneakily glanced at the papers of those around her to get the answers that she couldn't figure out her self. despite this, she still makes a point to try her best and do what she can to improve her own skills. This was a new start for the new Madelyn.

History class is far more complicated than it seems due to all the time travel stuff the avengers deal with. The curriculum breaks up the more complicated topics to not overwhelm the students. A little while later class was over and it was time for lunch

Before heading to the cafeteria to eat she stopped by her locker to put some things away and grab her food. When she arrived at it she saw Peter approaching his. Madelyn called out to him and he responded with a wave. "Hello," He greeted her, "Are you heading to the cafeteria?"

"Yes," She replied. He showed her the way and a little bit later they arrived at the double doors of the cafeteria. Peter lead her to a table where two other kids were sitting.

"Madelyn, this is MJ and Ned. MJ and Ned, this is Madelyn. We have chem together." He introduced the three of them.

"Hi Madelyn," The boy named Ned said. "It's nice to meet you." He seemed cheery

"Hey," Said MJ who was the girl at the table, she responded with little more then a nod.

"I have to get some food but i'll be right back" Peter dashed of to the lunch line, narrowly avoiding crashing into some boy who began to insult him. 

They watched him leave and his friends seemed to disapprove greatly of the boy yelling at Peter. "Watch out for him," Madelyn turn to look at Ned, "His name's Dash. He's the worst person in this school. and that's saying something." Good to know, I'll take note of that, she thought.

Once Peter was out of sight MJ turns to her. the expression she wore was cautious, like she thought Madelyn may turn out to be a serial killer and didn't want to be Madelyn's next victim. For a girl that obviously didn't care much for greetings, she Sure talks a lot when it comes to interrogations. She immediately began asking her questions about her relation ship with Peter in a hushed voice. "How do you know him?" "What do you think of him?" "How long have you known him?" All sorts of things like that. Ned leaned in to, he was clearly interested in what Madelyn had to say. They clearly care about him and only wants what's best, but does it have to be in such an aggressive way? She kept thinking.

A few minutes later and Peter returned to the table. it was almost like he knew something was wrong before he even arrived. like he sensed it. "Is everything alright?" He asked. Peter was concerned, like he was waiting for his friends to pounce and rip Madelyn to shreds.

"Everything's fine Peter," MJ said. She looked at Madelyn through the corner of her eye before speaking again. "Can we talk?" She asked.

"Sure," Peter replied she got up from the table, at the same time he set his food down. They walked away to the wall of the Room where they couldn't be overheard. They shot glanced at her and MJ was obviously concerned. Madelyn didn't want MJ to hate her, she actually seemed pretty cool. Meanwhile, Ned kept a close eye on her, occasionally looking at the other two. After a few minutes Peter and MJ arrived back at the table.

"So?" she asked, "what was that all about?" Madelyn was clearly uncomfortable. She just wanted new friends, but the people she's spoken to today weren't to interested.

"Nothing," Peter chimed in, "you know how it is in New York with large scale fights happening all the time. For all we knew you could have been a shape-shiftier." his story makes sense. Madelyn's sure everyone here's a little on edge. 

Lunch ended abruptly and everyone at the table leaves with a bad taste in their mouth. As Madelyn walks to her final two classes of the day Peter catches up to her. "I'm so sorry about that."

"It's really no problem," She responds, "Your friends are just looking out for you." They truly did care about each other. Something must have happened to cause them to be so defensive.

"Thanks for understanding!" He shouts as he runs down the hall. She could see why his friends liked him so much. how could you not?

She slumped through the rest of her classes. This time her thoughts stayed focused on that strange Peter Parker and his friends. Before she knew it, the day was over. Her thought caused her to stray from her work. Quickly, she gathered her things and rushed through the door. Once she had gotten of the subway she looked up to see what a small crowed was gawking at. And sure enough, Spider-Man was swinging from the roof tops of skyscrapers. That is something that will always amaze Madelyn.

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