Plotting the revenge

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Aarav tells the whole story to his friend and how he is desperate for revenge.
" Please help me get revenge. I don't know what to do." Said Aarav.
" I can't. You may be jobless but I have much work to do." Replied his friend.
"Please, I can't do it without you." Requested Aarav.
" I said I can't do it but I never said that someone else can't do it." Said his friend.
"What does that mean?" Asked Aarav.
"I won't do it but I know a person who can do it. I will give you two each other's numbers. His name is Vishnu, Ok?" Said his friend.
"But you know I'm an introvert and can't talk confidently to people I don't know." Said Aarav.
"I will tell him to text you." Said his friend.
"Ok.." Aarav said hesitantly.
A few moments later
( over text )
Vishnu- Is this Aarav?
Aarav- Yes, are you Vishnu?
Vishnu- Yes. Let's meet somewhere.
Aarav- Why?
Vishnu- I like talking in person.
Aarav- So, where should we meet?
Vishnu- David's Cafe, 6 PM. Come on time
Aarav- Ok.
6 PM
"Why did we come to such a busy place?" Asked Aarav.
"Because no one will no what we are talking about." Said Vishnu.
"There are so many people here. How will no one hear us?" Asked Aarav.
"Just see." Said Vishnu.
"Kishan, hello." Said Vishnu.
"Fine." Replied Kishan.
"See, I said hello while he replied to how are you. This place is so noisy that no one can understand what the other one is saying. Now tell me the matter" Said Vishnu.
Aarav tells him everything about his girlfriend and how he wants revenge.
"Show me her picture" Said Vishnu.
"Here." Aarav shows him Tanya's picture.

"When are you planning to do this?" Asked Aarav

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"When are you planning to do this?" Asked Aarav.
"Tonight." Said Vishnu as he left the place.

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