𝕰𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 2

18 7 1


"What's that sound- a girl screamed but -- is not that YN??" Jungkook got worried hearing that scream and ran towards the bathroom like his life depends on it

In the desolate expanse of the once bustling shopping mall, Jimin and Ava stood frozen, their breaths shallow, eyes wide with disbelief. The fluorescent lights flickered intermittently, casting eerie shadows across the polished tiles. The air hung heavy, pregnant with foreboding.

The absence of other shoppers was unsettling. Where were the throngs of weekend bargain hunters, the chattering families, and the hurried sales people? The deserted counters mocked them, their pristine surfaces devoid of any merchandise or signs of life. Jimin’s gaze darted to the escalators, their metal teeth gnashing silently, leading to upper floors that now seemed like forbidden territories.

Ava’s fingers grazed the cold glass of a storefront, her reflection distorted—a ghostly figure against the backdrop of empty shelves. She turned to Jimin, her voice barely audible.
"Something’s not right" Ava whispered  "We need to find the others."

Jimin nodded, his pulse racing. They moved cautiously, their footsteps echoing through the cavernous space. The escalator hummed to life, its mechanical groans echoing off the walls. As they ascended, the silence intensified, punctuated only by distant creaks and the occasional flutter of a torn promotional banner.

On the other hand, Yoongi was standing there alone waiting for other impatiently. His gut feeling was telling him nothing was right here. He heard the news about spreading some virus in the west side of the world and had the thought of what will happen if it spreads till here. He heard the noise but couldn't understand exactly from where. He kept wondering to find the source until Jimin and Ava, sprinting toward him, their hands entwined. Their faces mirrored his own fear, etched with desperation. But behind them trailed something else—something that defied reason.
Zombies. Not one or two, but a relentless tide of decay. Their skin hung in tattered ribbons, eyes vacant, mouths agape. Yoongi’s mind reeled. The stories he’d read, the movies he’d watched—they were no longer fiction. The apocalypse was upon them.

Jimin’s voice pierced the chaos. “Hyung, run! To the car! We must leave!”  His words were a desperate scream, echoing off the walls
_Yoongi hesitated, torn between flight and duty. His sister, YN and Jungkook, Whom his sister has loved always secretly—in the restroom.
"Yn - "
He whispered her name, a talisman against the rising panic, and sprinted toward the washroom. The air tasted of decay, of desperation. He could never abandon her. Love had woven their souls together, unbreakable even in this nightmare. He ran to reach her.
Jimin and Ava exchanged glances. Their initial plan was to escape, to flee from the chaos outside. But now, surrounded by danger, they realized they couldn’t leave their friends behind. These friends—they were more than friends; they were family.
"You ready to fight baby?" Jimin asked, determination in his eyes. Ava nodded, her resolve unwavering.
"If you are by my side, I fear about nothing"
She grabbed a pan from a nearby shelf, while Jimin wielded a chopper he’d found in the store.

"We can do it" they said in unison, their voices fierce. And so, they stood together, ready to face whatever horrors awaited them, bound by love and loyalty.

The zombie attacked her but Yn's mind raced. The sanitizer bottle lay discarded—a futile weapon now. But the vase—the fragile vessel of flowers—caught her eye. She seized it, swung with all her might. The glass shattered against the zombie’s skull, and it staggered, momentarily disoriented.

She sighed in relief but the sound echoed, awakening others. Three, four more emerged from the shadows. Yn's heart pounded. She grabbed her bag, sprinted toward the exit. The world blurred—a nightmare in sepia tones.
"Shit!! What do I do now" she panicked . For a moment thought her end was this. She will turn into one of them soon. No option left.
"When I'm here, no need to fear Babygirl"
He said, his voice steady. Jungkook appeared—a beacon of hope in this hellish landscape. He handed her a flashlight, another one illuminated his determined face.
"A flashlight!!??" Yn's voice trembled. But Jungkook silenced her with a look.
"Shut up and fight with me dummy" His words were a lifeline. He took a deep breath, and together, they faced the advancing zombies.
Jungkook knew the strategy—their only chance. Hit their heads. Target the brain. One by one, he swung, each blow a desperate prayer for survival. And then, one of the zombies broke free, running straight toward Yn. Fear clenched her throat, and she screamed, her voice echoing through the chaos.
"Hit his head!! Hit his head!!"  Jungkook's urgent command cut through her terror. She closed her eyes, ready for the end. But nothing happened. A force slammed into the zombie, knocking it aside. Yoongi—the quiet survivor—stood there, his eyes fierce, his determination unwavering.
Yn's voice trembled, “Brother…”  Tears welled in her eyes, and for a moment, Yoongi wanted to pull her into his arms, to shield her from the horrors that surrounded them. But this was not the time for comfort. Not when their survival hung in the balance.
Jungkook's urgent words cut through the chaos,
“Hyung, we need to leave from here. There’s a lot…” His breaths came in ragged gasps as he ran toward them. The weight of responsibility pressed down on Yoongi’s shoulders. Jimin and Ava—friends, family—might need them. They couldn’t abandon them now.
"I know. Jimin and Ava needs might need us"
Yoongi replied, his gaze fixed on the horizon. They had to keep moving, keep fighting. They pressed forward, their footsteps leaving imprints on blood-soaked pavement. The world had fractured, but their resolve remained unyielding. In this grim dance of survival, they moved as one—a group bound by desperation, fueled by the promise of another dawn.

Back to Jimin and Ava

The world had become a nightmare—a twisted canvas painted in shades of decay. Jimin and Ava, once ordinary souls, now danced on the precipice of survival. Their weapons were crude but lethal: Jimin’s chopper , honed by desperation, and Ava’s frying pan, its handle slick with sweat and fear.

Together, they carved through the relentless tide of undead. Jimin’s strikes were precise, each swing a desperate prayer for salvation. The zombies fell, their grotesque faces splitting open like overripe fruit. But Ava’s pan slipped from her grasp, clattering against the pavement.
The zombies were walking in a rapid movement racing her heart. She stared throwing eggs on them. But still nothing actually helped much.

"Jiminnn"   Her scream echoed through the chaos. Jimin spun, his heart a frantic drumbeat. Ava was surrounded, her tear-streaked face defiant. He sprinted toward her, muscles burning, lungs gasping for air. He couldn’t lose her—not now, not after everything they’d endured. With whom he had spent his childhood, teen life and even the adult hood. Ava's tears rolled down. It was new to her. To them. Maybe she could fight a human but winning against these zombies who are hungry for human's flesh was new to her.

Just when it seemed all hope was lost, the mall erupted with gunfire. Bodies dropped one by one, crimson staining the floor. Ava’s eyes widened as she looked up. Her rescuer stood there—a mysterious figure in a black hoodie, a mask concealing most of his face. His eyes, though, were sharp like egale and calculating.

"How many of are you? Only two?" He asked in a cold tone, making sure the quantity.


⠁〘㉅〙 ⠁What do you think?? Who it can be??
Anyways, I will give fast update. And opkors don't forget to vote. Your votes will inspire me to write more.

★ ֪ ׂ 𝅛   L𝗼𝘃𝗲 B𝗲𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗱 D𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 | BTS FF Where stories live. Discover now