𝕰𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 6

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"jungkook," she murmured, breaking the kiss but not the connection. "We're fools, you know."

He chuckled, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. "Fools in love, then."

They thought to go back to the room but-
15min ago in the room

Momo: Mina!! Mina what happen!! Look at me
she tried to control her but Mina kept throwing her hands and legs as if someone is beating her. Momo’s heart raced as she clung to Mina, her girlfriend ,who was now thrashing violently in her arms. The once vibrant girl was reduced to a mere vessel, her eyes vacant, pupils dilated.

The bite mark on Mina’s arm oozed with dark, infected blood, and Yoongi’s grim diagnosis echoed in Momo’s mind “She is infected.”

Yoongi’s voice cut through the chaos, commanding Momo to step away. But how could she? Mina’s face contorted in pain, her teeth gnashing together like a trapped animal. Momo’s grip tightened, desperation fueling her defiance. “No, no,” she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Nothing happened to her!”

Ava, Jimin, and Namjoon stood at a distance, their expressions a mix of fear and horror. Namjoon's words hung in the air like a death sentence: “We need to shoot her.” Mina was no longer their friend; she was one of the undead, a ticking time bomb threatening their fragile existence.

But Momo couldn’t accept it. She remembered the laughter they’d shared, the secrets whispered late at night, the promises made under the moon. Mina , she was her love. And love, Momo believed, could conquer even death.

“Are you fucking insensitive?” Momo spat at Namjoon. “Go away if you want! Don’t hurt her!” Her voice cracked, but her resolve remained unyielding. She would stay with Mina until the end.

Outside, the school echoed with guttural moans and shuffling footsteps. The dead were closing in, drawn by the scent of warm flesh. Yoongi’s warning was clear
Yoongi: They are coming-

Jimin’s eyes widened. “Who?” he asked, scanning the hallway. But the answer came swiftly—a splintering crash as the door to their room gave way. Namjoon sprang into action, firing his gun with precision, creating a path through the advancing horde.

"Take anything in your hand to fight and run outside!” Namjoon barked. Jimin grabbed a broken chair leg, Ava wielded a metal pipe, and Jin clutched a fire extinguisher. They followed Namjoon, their footsteps echoing down the corridor, the dead closing in behind them.

Yn's voice trembled as she pressed close to Jungkook. “What are they?” Her eyes widened, taking in the horror beyond the cracked window. “Zombies?”
Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on the carnage. “Not zombies,” he replied, his voice low. “Something worse. A plague, a curse—no one knows for sure. But they hunger for life, for warmth.” He glanced at Yn, his expression pained. “We’re the last bastion of hope.”
The group moved cautiously, each step a battle against the encroaching darkness. Namjoon's orders were terse: “Stay together. Watch your backs.” The dead closed in, their rotting hands reaching for them. Jimin swung the chair leg, Ava swung her pipe, and Hoshi sprayed the extinguisher, freezing the creatures in their tracks.

Yoongi’s voice cut through the chaos, sharp and desperate. “All run downstairs! We need to reach our car!” The group surged forward, their footsteps echoing off the crumbling walls. Namjoon, the seasoned fighter, fired round after round, but the relentless tide of the dead threatened to overwhelm them.
Jungkook caught the pistol Namjoon tossed, his fingers trembling. He had never fired a gun before, but there was no room for hesitation. The world had changed, and survival demanded new skills. Ava, her face pale, clutched the metal pipe like a lifeline. Jimin, adrenaline pumping, swung the chair leg with a fierce determination.
They burst into the lobby, the glass doors shattered. Ava screamed, and Jimin fought, but the odds were impossible. The dead hungered, and Jimin’s fate hung in the balance.

★ ֪ ׂ 𝅛   L𝗼𝘃𝗲 B𝗲𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗱 D𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 | BTS FF Where stories live. Discover now