"Writin' To Ya"

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Daryl Dixon Series:
Season 3, Episode 4

Daryl walked back into the main area of the bunker with Dog on his left and Ben on his right as Rain was on his shoulder. The doors closed as Daryl placed his crossbow on the metal table. Daryl walked over to the book shelf opposite the kitchen and picked up Michelle's notebook that she wrote in. Daryl opened the book to where she wrote her last notes and grabbed the pen that was hooked at the top of the page before he sat down by the metal table.

Rain started playing with Daryl's hair as Ben & Dog sat down next to Daryl, watching him and also wondering what he was doing. Daryl went to a blank page and paused for a moment before glancing at Dog & Ben.

''Never done this before.'' Daryl admitted. ''Not sure where to start.''

Daryl had decided to write a letter to Michelle. He needed to communicate with her. A walkie talkie was out of the question because Keith has one and he could easily pick up on their conversations through his one if they were talking through their walkies.

Daryl stared at the blank page with the pen in his hand trying to think of how to start writing the letter. Then Ben gently nudged at Daryl's wrist with his nose, making Daryl look at Ben.

''What is it, buddy?'' Dary asked, knowing he wasn't going to get an answer.

But Ben answered Daryl with another gentle nudge to Daryl's wrist with his nose. Then Ben looked at Daryl in his eyes, making Daryl smile at him.

''Ya right, Ben.'' Daryl smiled. ''I'm overthinkin' this. I should write what I feel, right?''

Ben barked.

''I'll take that as a yes.'' Daryl chuckled as Ben and Dog wagged their tails at him. ''Alright.''

Daryl took out his pack of cigarettes and his lighter. Daryl lit a cigarette, closed his lighter as he took a drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke. Then Daryl started writing his letter to Michelle.

Once Daryl started writing, he just let the words flow out of him and onto the page. It actually came pretty easy because it came from his heart as he was thinking about how Michelle would feel when she read it.

Two cigarettes later, Daryl was done writing the letter. He read through it to make sure he didn't forget anything that Michelle needed to know as Rain climbed from his shoulder and sat on the table.

''Alright.'' Daryl leaned back in his chair. ''Y'all ready to head out?''

Daryl smiled as the dogs wagged their tails at him.

''Alright, let me get geared up and we can go.'' Daryl said before standing up.

Once Daryl was ready to go, he placed Michelle's notebook in her messenger bag and placed the strap over his head and onto his right shoulder and the bag rested against his left hip. Daryl had a hoodie on under his poncho so he could cover his head. Daryl put his crossbow on his back as Ben waited for him by the doors with his military vest on. Rain jumped onto Daryl's shoulder and she held onto him as he walked over to Ben. Daryl opened the doors as Dog sat by the metal table watching them, but Daryl looked at Dog.

''C'mon, Dog.'' Daryl said as he gestured for Dog to join them.

Dog was surprised before walking over to them.

''I'm sure ya can go out on a run with us.'' Daryl said looking at Dog's leg that had the brace on it.

Daryl knew Dog only had to wear it for a few more days and going on a run will be good for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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