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Esteemed Dr. Chou Tzuyu

It is with great regard that we inform you of your forthcoming assignment to Vitality Pharmaceutical in Seoul, South Korea. Your exceptional skills are an invaluable addition to our medical community. Please make arrangements for your relocation by 01-02-2034.

Warm Regards,


"This is your idea of punishment, Uncle? How cliché," she remarked with a hint of sarcasm, her rich English accent adding depth to her husky voice.

With an air of indifference, she casually tucked the transfer letter into her pocket, unfazed by the consequences of her uncle's actions.

With a cigarette poised between her fingers, she drew in the heady aroma, lost in thought as she gazed at the portrait before her. The painting depicted a woman, her features shrouded in mystery, an enigma waiting to be unraveled. Should she conjure a face from the depths of her imagination, or confront the stark truth that had halted her artistic pursuit?

The canvas held endless possibilities, each stroke bearing the weight of untold stories and hidden truths. Her hesitation mirrored the uncertainty that lingered in her mind, a silent battle between imagination and reality.

Perched gracefully within the confines of a luxurious private jet, she awaited the aircraft's descent at the bustling South Korean airport. With a flute of exquisite champagne in hand, she indulged in the effervescent liquid, its golden bubbles dancing against her palate. Her gaze drifted pensively out of the window, where the cerulean expanse of the sky seemed to stretch on endlessly.

As the plane glided smoothly through the azure heavens, her mind danced with a myriad of thoughts, each one vying for attention amidst the opulence of her surroundings. Contemplating how to alleviate the creeping tendrils of boredom, she allowed herself to be enveloped by the tranquility of the moment, the gentle hum of the jet engines lulling her into a state of serene contemplation.

In solitary confines aboard the aircraft, she reminisced about the farewell scene at the USA airport, where her foster parents had bid her adieu earlier. Their indifference towards her affairs stemmed from a deep-seated understanding of her fiercely independent disposition, leaving her to navigate her journey alone.

Abandoned at the orphanage as a vulnerable baby, she was left with nothing but a letter bearing her name-a solitary beacon of identity in the sea of uncertainty. It was during a philanthropic journey to Korea that the Chou family serendipitously encountered the six-year-old prodigy. Lost in the intricate pages of an advanced physics book, the child's intellect shone brightly even amidst the shadows of neglect. Thus, she shed her former identity, embracing the mantle of Juliette Chou - a name that would echo through the halls of brilliance and innovation.

Despite being surrounded by opulence and luxury, her greatest challenge emerged in the form of her affectionate yet excessively sensitive uncle. When news of her scandalous sexual escapades reached his ears, his response was swift and severe, leaving her with no recourse but to comply with his wishes.

The threat of tarnishing reputations and the weight of familial expectations compelled her uncle to arrange for her transfer to the hospital in her once homeland-a decision that would uproot her from the familiar comforts of her current life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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