A BULLY?! Naww

12 0 4

Im not dying inside i swear

After I exited the cafe, i already saw Faccia has left. Probably to go to school. Oh well. I quickly walk and choose a long route to school. I don't want that nincompoop to follow me.

After arriving at school, I walk inside the entrance, but to myself surprised (not really), Naya (no seriously, what are these names-) standing at my locker. Dude not again.

"Looks like Y/N is here! When will you learn that you aren't needed here?"
She scowled at me. Another typical bully, ugh.

"thanks for the information but I really don't care. Your words mean nothing."
I responded nonchalantly. Why should I care about what she thinks? When i graduate, she won't even be in my life. Why should i care about what others think when i should care about how I feel. These stories make no sense.

She rolls her stupid eyes.

She then walks away. Good. I don't need her. She just mad I don't care about her feelings.

I continue my way to my class and sit down in my usual seat. When class starts, the teacher, Mrs. Violet (i almost typed Violence) quiets the class.

"hello, everyone! Today i have a new announcement! We have a new student joining us today! Please come introduce yourself, Alex"

Alex? What kind of normal name is that? Sounds like one of those boys that seem like an 'alpha', though, I don't hate the name entirely, i don't want to offend others.

Then, as the class becomes silent, a boy my age walks in. Wait.... that's the same dude that sat in my booth!! Oh my gosh, why me.

The terror unfolds// Y/N cringe story// THIS IS NOT SERIOUS, THIS IS JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now