I hate mylife

15 0 7

Dude, ur kiddinf me e e e e e e. Ee. E e e e e e e e e. E e.  E e e e e

*cries inside while dying*

As the 'new' student sat down at his desk- WHICH WAS RIGHT BEHIND MINE😡, i could feel his eyes on me. Ugh....

I turn around while the teacher isn't looking and whisper.
"what are you doing now? Stalking me?!"

He laughs.
"no, sweetheart, I am just a fellow student! An-"

I interrupt him
"i don't care, just don't talk to me. dont call me sweetheart."

He looks stunned for a moment but smiles that his stupid teeth. He then leans back in his chair and continues staring at me while i do my work. What a creep.

After 1st period, i had to go to gym, ugh. I hate gym. Thank goodness gym is separated by gender. I quickly change in the locker room, and go to the gymnasium. I see my friend, Faccia bouncing a dodge ball. Oh no, are we playing dodgeball?! How predictable.

"heyy, Y/N. I decided to leave after you went into that cafe. I can't believe that new kid is in your class!!"
She squeezed my arm and squealed.

"yea and he sits right behind me"
I scoffed as i mumbled.

Her eyes widened and she jumped up and down. Like a rat.

"OMG NO WAY! Can you pleaaaassseeee get me his number????"

I scoff. No way I'm doing that! I don't want to speak to that hobo.

"no, thanks. Hey, are we playing dodgeball today?"


I quickly change out of my gym uniform and change back into my clothes. Surprisingly, the gym uniforms are quite comfortable. I quickly run to my class, DANG IT! I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!

I quickly run up the stairs to run into, Alex. OH MY GOSH.


He laughs like a stupid idiot. Omg i wanna punch his stupid 'perfect' face.

"woah, calm down cinderella—"

"NO! I need to go! WHY AREN'T YOU IN CLASS?!"
I raise my voice at him. He is the most dumbest character here.

He stupid idiotly smirked at me and patted my shoulder— which i quickly shrugged off aggressively.

"I was just getting some water, why aren't you in class?"

Oh my gosh. He really is stupid. Then the stupid bell rings


I shove past him and hurry up the stairs to my class. The teacher stops talking and looks at me. The whole class follows. I gulp.

"uhh, sorry.. i was late to class from gym..."

The teacher sighs
"don't let it happen again. Take your seat."


Throughout class, i don't pay attention at all. I look out the window like one of those popular protagonists. Sigh, i wish i could just leave this place and eat coffee jelly RIGHT NOW. Ughhh....

As class ends, it's lunch time now. One advantage i have is having lunch early, cause there's so many fricking students here. I decide to eat in the courtyard with Faccia. As I walk down the hall, I run into Naya. Whatttttty.

"what do you think your doing?!"
She says, as she throws my lunch on the ground. Oh well, there goes my chance to eat my mom's famous mac n' cheese bites.

"uhm, what does it look like? I'm going to lunch. What are YOU doing?"
I talk back. I aint scared of this rat.

She scoffs
She then walks up close to my face, trying to intimidate me. It's not working.

"Just so you know, Alex is MINE!"

She then sashays past me. I hate it when she sashays. Also what is she talking about Alex being hers? She doesn't even know him and why on earth would i want that son of a gun? Shes dumb.

I pick up what's left of my lunch off the ground. Then i arrive in the couryard and sit at a bench next to Faccia. She sees my food thats mushed.

"hey! Wiat what happened?"
She asks sympathetically. Its not working.

"Naya happened."
I say. Gosh, that girl is a demon.(Naya)

Faccia sighs and smiles
"don't worry, you can have some of my lunch!"

I smile. Even though Faccia can be a pain in the place where the Sun don't shine, she is still a kind friend.

"thank you. Hey, do you know anything about Naya liking Alex?"

Faccia laughs

"DON't get me started on that!"

We both laugh

The terror unfolds// Y/N cringe story// THIS IS NOT SERIOUS, THIS IS JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now