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3rd Person POV:
The victims of the Tipiscawa Massacre may have died, but their spirits refuse to rest until their killer is caught or dead. They each do different things and wish different fates on Maggy. Some are also willing to kill anyone while others don't want to kill anyone else.

The "good spirits", the ones who didn't want to kill, are Will, Dan, Lill, Tom, and Gabby. They wanted Maggy to be caught thrown in jail. They didn't want to many anyone suffer like they did.

The "bad spirits", the ones who wanted to kill, are Ellie, Jake, Alec, Ashley, Miriam, and Nick. They wanted Maggy to suffer like she made them suffer. They didn't care who suffered as long as Maggy died.

Ashley had changed since she died. She used to be patient and kind but after she died, she was short tempered and violent. She didn't care who died a long as her killer suffered. She also had almost completely stopped caring about others and had forgotten what she came onto the show for.

She found out she hurt Maggy and said, "Wish I hurt that bitch more."

Will still loved Ashley and tried to help her return to her old, sweet self. Everyone was impressed with how patient he was being with her. Gabby and Tom had both given up on making Ellie and Jake go back to being their old selves.

The person who went through the most obvious change was Gabby. She was way quieter and less social. She mostly stayed near Ellie and was scared to go near anything with wood. Everyone understood why though.

Ellie stayed far away from caves and cliffs and kept Gabby close at all times. She avoided anything sharp and seemed to be afraid of rocks. She especially avoided going anywhere near the cavern she died in.

Tom was less aggressive than the others. He wa more calm and peaceful. He usually stayed near Jake and tried to keep him under control. He tended to avoid the lake and had become good friends with Gabby and Will. They hung out whenever they weren't with their significant other.

Will had stopped being so fearful. He was way braver and he attributed thatto being one of the last survivors trying to take care of the kids, especially Fiore. One day, Ellie had asked him if he regretted dying to save Fiore and he paused before smiling ather and saying he didn't regret it and that how only regret was not trying to kill the killer earlier.

Jake was way more aggressive though. He also had a shorter temper and barely socialized. He knew Gabby blamed herself for his death and he didn't try and tell her once it wasn't her fault. Ellie hated him for that, but he didn't care less.

Nick had surprised everyone with his change. He had seemed to have started slowly becoming more violent and short tempered, which startled Lill. He usually hung out with Lill, but whenever she was with Alec, he was anywhere else.

Lill had been helping Alec around a lot after Maggy destroyed his head. He had trouble seeing since even in death his glasses were broken. She and Alec had grown extremely close and started dating.

Alec was only attempting to be calm for Lill. When he was alone, he would try and talk with Ellie, who avoided most people since she thought she was hideous because the rocks from her death caused indents on her spirit. He and Gabby were always reassuring her though that she was beautiful still.

Lill had started feeling more and more insecure though too. She had found out that Maggy paused to admire how pretty she was before she killed her and it frightened her that she had been so violently murdered by one of her own scouts. She felt that Maggy had been so cruel as a way to make her ugly and Alec didn't help. He was always with Ellie and reassuring her she was beautiful while letting Lill think of herself as ugly and horrible. Neither Alec nor Lill realized how toxic their relationship was though.

Dan was like Gabby in a way. He was afraid of the woods but unlike Gabby, he was also afraid of anything sharp. He was happy Drew had escaped alive instead of being left to rot in the woods. He was helped around a lot by Miriam, much to everyone's surprise.

Miriam was more social much to everyone's surprise. She was especially close to Jake and Dan though. They were her favorites out of everyone who died. She acted like a grandmother to them and protected them as much as she could.

The "bad spirits" were all unhappy when they found out there was going to be a new season of Disventure Camp shot at their death site. The "good spirits" were excited though because they wanted to see how the show worked.

Ashley and Nick were almost always seen ranting about how stupid the host and producers were while Gabby and Dan were almost always seen ranting about how excited they were to see the show and how it worked. Lill wanted to be excited, but it was hard when Alec ignored her and was so close to Ellie, who she thought of as more beautiful than her. She had a hard time being excited about anything when her boyfriend ignored her and told another woman she was beautiful as she felt even more hideous.

One day, Dan found out he could move things and found the cast list for the new season of Disventure Camp. He looked through the tapes with Gabby, Miriam, and everyone else. Aiden and Rosa seemed to be the group favorites, but then suddenly Ashley started freaking out and they realized that the next tape that ha been turned on was Maggy herself.

The "good spirits" were unafraid of seeing their killer however the "bad spirits" were all absolutely pissed and wanted to make Maggy suffer.

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