Down with the Queen(and her Court)

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Jake's POV:
Nick and I were waiting for the host and her interns to get to the camp so we could judge them. Ashley wanted to just kill them, but Lill told us to not and Alec said we should wait before we did, so we were going to wait to see.

Honestly, I hope Maggy actually does come to the show. Because then we can kill her. I'm honestly shocked that the host and her crew got things set up here without anyone knowing. Especially Alec because of how often he's in the host tent with Lill doing who knows what.

Nick's POV:
Oh my god. This is so boring. I want to kill them. But Alec said wait, so we'll wait. It's boring waiting though. I want to kill. I want to see blood dripping from someone's socket or skull. Especially from that bitch's. She deserves nothing but the worse. I hope she suffers for everything she did.

Although, speaking of Alec, I do have some concerns about his relationship with Lill. He seems like, way too close to Ellie despite them both being taken. I mean, I literally saw them cuddling during the last full moon. And the way Alec held her was definitely not just friendly.

I feel bad for Lill. She loves Alec so much and then he goes and does that to her. She's really sweet so of course she forgives him no matter what. It's odd though. Alec wouldn't have done that when he was alive, so him doing this now is really weird. Maybe it's one way he changed after death? I don't know.

Oh. There they are. The host and her little interns. She's pretty tall. Wait. Are you telling me he interns are an old man and a puppet? Ha! That's fucking pathetic.

Oh man. This will be easier to ruin her little show than I thought. Although we also have to wait for the cast to come to torment that bitch.

The host, Kris or whatever her name was, was talking to the old dude and his fucking puppet, who can apparently talk?!

Jake's POV:
I know Tom is concerned about how I've changed since I died, but who gives a shit you know?

Krystal's POV:
Marcus and Nina were helping me get ready for the season when Marcus brought up the previous year's slaughter here. I know people died here and all, but it's been a whole fucking year.

The cast is coming soon, but Nina looks nervous?

"Hey Nina? Is something wrong?"

Nina's POV:
Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong. I don't know what, but I know something is. I can feel it. It feels...malevolent. Almost angry? Wait, why is Marcus yelling?

HOLY SHIT! The rafter just killed Marcus... It fell on him and-and it crushed his head. He shoved me out of the way because it was going to crush me. Oh my god. I'm the reason Marcus...

Wait a minute. There's something up in the rafters. Two figures? I think there is two men? One has like, a Fedora, I think. I don't fucking know what hats are called. But he looks sort of melted. The other one looks like he was beaten to death or something. Like, he's super bloody and I don't even think he has a face. Wait, what are the doing?

Krystal's POV:
Nina had gone silent after we arrived and didn't even speak when Marcus was killed, which is extremely odd, but I don't want to ask her about it. All I know is I suddenly heard her screaming, begging someone to stop before she was lifted in the air and torn apart.

Jake's POV:
Nick and I had a bet that Nick couldn't crush the puppet. Of course I won the bet. But now that host has gotten on my nerves. And apparently the campers have been here for a while. We had to kill the puppet. She saw us. Somehow.

Nick ripped her apart and I started using the parts as darts to try and hit the host. She dodged them so Nick and I started using the pieces to stab her to death.

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