The plan

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After ten minutes grey angle"a null and Tim were sat in roll call Lucy and Emily emerged from the changing rooms and walked into roll call Lucy's hair was down and she had on a long sleeve top and leggings and combat boots a belt was on her waist lined up with all sorts of weapons a huge silver sword included
She looked like this

The sword hung on her belt she walked into the roll call room and everyone stared at her " why do they all look like they have seen a ghost " Emily asked sass in her voice " shut up your only here so I go and get your daughter don't insult my fami...

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The sword hung on her belt she walked into the roll call room and everyone stared at her
" why do they all look like they have seen a ghost " Emily asked sass in her voice
" shut up your only here so I go and get your daughter don't insult my family " Lucy snapped back Emily rolled her eyes
" ok I think we are owed an explanation " grey said uncertainty in his voice
" yes you are but right now I have to go rescue my niece so can it wait " Lucy said a sort of like pleading voice
" no Luce your gonna tell us what's going on this seems serious " Tim sat forward in his seat looking Lucy in the eyes
" what's he on about 'Luce'  your name isn't Luce " Emily said with a confused look
" zip it Emily if Nina wasn't in danger I would have stabbed you " Lucy replied snark in her voice
" girl you couldn't stab me even if you wanted to " Emily snapped
" your really pushing your luck and I am the only person who can save your kid so shut up and sit ur ass down " Lucy sounded dangerous like the criminals they'd arrest Emily sat down and so did Lucy
" ok you two are gonna start arguing and tell us what the hell is going on " nyla commanded
Lucy and Emily both crossed their arms and pulled the same disgusted look on their face
" is she always this snarky " Emily questioned looking at Lucy
" unfortunately but she is still my boss so we show respect " Lucy shook the look of her face and dropped her arms sitting forward
" that was alarming they looked exactly like each other " Angela said with a sort of frightened look on her face
" oh come on Angela don't insult me like that " Lucy replied it took Emily a second to catch on to what she said
" hey " Emily said
" ok enough bickering tell us what's going on babe " Tim said looking at Lucy worried puts his hand on top of hers
" my real name is lexi Chen I have a fifteen year old daughter called Tamara she was the outcome of rape I had her when I was 12 me and Emily was kidnapped when I was four and she was 8 when Emily was 13 and I was 9 she escaped and left me there she told me I would ruin her life I was there till I was fourteen I got out with Tamara changed my name and joined the lapd at 21 I met the love of my life and finally had the life I dreamed of my daughter was happy and healthy and then of course this asshole had to come and bulldoze the whole thing " she looked at Emily a snarl on her face
" what I wasn't gonna take a nine year old with me I didn't want to be a mom at thirteen " Emily sassed back
" so you left her with a kidnapper and rapist ? " Angela asked disgustingly in her voice
" errr yeah at least she had a roof over her head I was homeless for two weeks till this sweet family adopted me I had Nina when I was 25 and now she has been taken by Jacob  so like lexi should be grateful " Emily said a confused look on her face
" really I should have been grateful I was left with a rapist that got me pregnant aged twelve I escaped aged fourteen to give her a better life was homeless till I was sixteen I got a job got my life on track and joined the lapd at 21 " Lucy said shame in her voice
" so why does Jacob have Nina " nyla asked Emily trying to fit the puzzle together
" I may kind of owe him money " Emily looked to the floor
" ok well like do not yell at me I needed money and my parents wouldn't give me it and he said he would " Emily said trying to come up with an excuse
Lucy took a deep breath and turned to look at Tim anger boiled her blood
" ok so what's the plan how are we getting Nina back " Angela asked
" IM going to go kill anyone who gets in my way take my niece and leave and hope I don't get myself killed in the process but Jacob is scared shitless of me I stabbed him when I was nine and shot him in the shoulder when I was eleven and by time I was fifteen I fought the bastard with my bare hands and near killed him that's how I escaped I kept an eye on him all these years and he thinks I'm dead because of my name change and I dyed my hair I used to be blonde well a redhead turns out my hair was always stained by blood " Lucy said and shrugged a little
" ok that was horrifying and I don't think we should turn to murder just yet I think we get Emily to call him we put in on the roll call screen and make the room dark so he doesn't realise we are in a police station Emily talks to him and you make an appearance threaten him and if it doesn't work say you will take Nina's place and when you go to the location we will make the bust arrest him and let the bastard rot in jail " grey said forming a plan
" I mean that works to let's do it  " Lucy said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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