The Mushroom Kingdom

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The sudden familiarity from this mushroom forest, if you can call it that, caused Luigi to follow a certain path

Izuku and Mario followed behind, questioning his memory, or the cause of those mushrooms he ate, but that was discarded as izuku also ate the same mushroom as him and didn't feel a thing, so they both decided to follow and ask

Mario:"are you sure you know what direction we're going?" He nodded

Luigi:"a castle, a mushroom kingdom with mushroom people and mushroom dreams" he responded

It was a weird response but it also was accepted by them

Mario:"lets go back, we need to fix the pipes in Brooklyn!" He said firmly, but his brother was un moved, he just continues to walk the path he remembers "Luigi this isn't a game!, we should ho back!"

He continued through the path, anger growing on him, after all he had feared his brothers wrath for too long and now he doesn't care

Mario grabbed his arm before being pushed back by his brother, disbelief on his face, not expecting such an outcome from his kind brother

After all the times he had treated his brother as a pest more then a brother, it's understandable after all, who would like to be treated like that, in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to make his stand and work together

But that was all in vain when izuku moved into town, he treated him with kindness and worry, like a father or mother would, and not like the people he calls family

They always judged what he does, they always say "be more like Mario", and "you can do better, look follow Mario's example", he finally had enough

Luigi:"well if you want to got back then you can!" He shouted, frustrated and angry, Mario looked on with surprise, he wasn't expecting him to do such a thing

Surprise turned to anger, and anger to hate, Mario turned around before taking the path into the othwr detection

Mario:"if your not coming then I'm leaving without you!" He yelled out as a threat, but was met with no results "come on izuku, he won't come"

Izuku:"I'm not going with you, I'm staying with Luigi to find our way out, we may not know if the pipe works the other way" he argued

Mario scuffed before leaving them both

Izuku watched as he left, feeling guilty but it didn't matter much, he continued with Luigi by his side

They walked through the mushroom forest before meeting with an entrance to a town, at the peak of the town was a beautiful castle, with colored glass in the shape and color of a woman

Luigi:"this looks... Familiar, really familiar" he said in amazement and wonder

They both walked into town, as the townspeople watched them, they looked like mushrooms with mushroom caps of different colors

One of them was a red colored mushroom

Toad:"wow, y'all are humans?!" He looked at them excitement on his face and with a smile "I should take you to the princess, she will know what to do with you" he grabbed there arms before dragging them to the castle

Izuku:"you alright buddy, after all you did abandon your brother back there" he was conflicted but trusted the process

Luigi:"it's just... I've had enough being treated as the second player, for once I want to make decisions and take chances for my own life, instead of relying on someone else to solve my problems" he confessed

Izuku:"your not doing so bad, so it's working out for you in the end" he smiled

They reached the castles entrance, toad guards took a stance, ready for defending the place

Toad guard:"state your business right here, right now!" He pointed a spear at them

Izuku:"we're here to see the princess, this little guy right here told us to meet with her" he bowed in respect

They looked at each other before nodding their heads

Toad guard:"I'm sorry but the princess is attending a meeting with the heads of defences and soldier forces" they shook there heads

Luigi:"I had the feeling of being here before" he whispers to himself

Izuku:"please, could you arrange some type of meeting with her, if you could?" They both nodded before one took a paper and wrote something down

The guard turned to another before handing it over to them, they took it into the castle

Toad guard:"as we wait for a reply, would one of you mind helping with the cooking?" They both nodded before they were taken into the kitchen of the castle

Toad butler/guard:"make your greatest delights, for such the princess is coming over for dinner, and expects the best" the toad walked away laughing at them for triking them into doing his bidding or his job

They spent the few hours cooking for the toads and the princess, after all the dinner would be served in an hour

A large verity was shown before the toad arrived to collect the food, excepting such a horrendous sight, but was met with non

They were surprised to see two people preper food that took them at least six toads, from unknown foods to new smells, everything was delighting from the sights to the smells

Hunger rolled over there beings, before they took the food into the dinning room, where the heads of the place sat

Izuku:"I hope they like the food" Luigi nodded

Then a dance door opened, out came a girl, pink dress

Luigi blushed as he watched her walk down to the table, not noticing them

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Luigi blushed as he watched her walk down to the table, not noticing them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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