💙🤍 ❤️🧡 🗝️ 🔎 This Can't Be the End (SMG4 x Reader) (Mario x Dead!Meggy)

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Art by 'Twiglight05' on Discord

TW // Death, Manipulation, Mentions of Forced Labour

🤍⚪️ Y/N's POV:
⚖️ Time/Arc: The Lawsuit Arc, Beginning of 'Goodbye, SMG4'

(Context: Y/N is a Nint3nd0 IP Character who has been in love with SMG4 ever since the two of them first laid eyes on each other. They started to get close over the years, and they ended up becoming a part of the SMG4 Crew. (After much consideration, they've realised that they're almost ready to ask him out. He likes them back but is too shy to ask himself.))

"Hey guys, thanks for watching SMG4 for so long... Goodbye." I heard 4 just about able to say through his tears as I let out a sob. It was the end. And we all knew it.

Then there was a thud. And SMG4's body was on the ground. He wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. He wasn't doing anything anymore.

'No... Please! This can't be happening! This can't be the end!' I thought tearfully as I quickly rushed over to his side. Wanting to wake him up. Wanting to have one last conversation with him. One last hug. One last anything.

My tears began to roll faster and faster down my cheeks and drip onto his lifeless body, which used to be so full of energy, as I looked at his blank white eyes. He was gone. The man I loved so much.

And without him, Mario, me, and the rest of the Nint3nd0 members of the once fully formed SMG4 Crew were going to be turned back to 'normal'. We were going to be used as puppets, however Lawyer Kong wanted to use us and for whatever game they wanted us to act in. All because of our Intellectual Property Contracts. We had no other choice now. No way out. No alternative plan.

I heard a snigger come out of the ape's mouth as he spotted how heartbroken both Mario and I were, and my eyes instantly snapped up at his face, full of rage.

'Who is he to decide who we can be friends with?! Who is he to decide who gets to live here?! Who is he to say who gets to live and who gets to die?!' I thought in pure hatred as my hand turned into a fist. I wanted to beat him up so badly, but I already knew that if I did so, then it would just make it worse and more punishing for all of us in the long run.

"Come along, Mario and Y/N. We have things to do," he said as he began to make his way down from the castle roof, completely ignorant of the fact that he'd just killed an innocent man and had snatched everything that he'd ever worked for away from him.

With a sigh, Mario followed after him, his blue eyes darting around as his head looked at the floor. And I knew that he was trying his best to come to grips with everything. He'd just lost all of our friends. We both had. And the girl he loved so much had died in his arms. With him knowing that he couldn't do anything to stop it. He had nothing left. Neither of us did.

Seeing Mario's reaction filled me with more anger and determination than I'd ever felt before, and I opened my mouth and let out a firm: "No."

"What did you just say to me?!!" Lawyer Kong snapped, his head whipping around at me as his eyes flooded with hatred for the man who was now lying dead at my feet.

"I said no. You don't get to decide who lives or dies in this world. SMG4 did not 'infect' this world, as you keep saying! He made it better, turned it into his own; without him... there was no hope. No nothing. He turned it into something special. Something unique. Something that you would never be able to do!" I yelled, my eyes flashing with anger as I allowed it to consume me, taking a step towards my enemy with every statement. I saw Mario's eyes light up one final time as he turned around towards me, and I knew that he was clinging onto any hope that he had left.

But it was snuffed out as quickly as it had appeared as Lawyer Kong let out an evil laugh and pulled out a contract. I gulped as my face paled and my heart sank; it was an IP Ownership Act. Somehow, I'd been able to forget that he had complete and utter control over me. Nint3nd0 had made me after all.

"Silly Y/N. You really think that you can disobey your creators?" he snarled out as I rose into the air and started to move towards him.

I tried to move around, to try to get out of its grasp, but I already knew that it was useless; I was as stuck as a statue was to the ground. All I could do was glare at him as Mario and I were mercilessly forced to go back to the Nint3nd0 Headquarters, regardless of how much we had just lost.

If only we'd taken his threat more seriously in the first place. Then maybe none of this would be happening.

791 words

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