Crying For Love In Hell

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As I lay nestled against its broad chest, a sanctuary in the midst of chaos, I ponder the identity of my enigmatic protector. Yet, I refrain from voicing the question, my energy reserves depleted, leaving me in a state of silent curiosity.

Gently, I extend my hand towards the back of my skull, half-expecting to encounter a gaping wound, a remnant of the injury. To my surprise, the skin is intact, albeit coated in a viscous, slimy substance reminiscent of the mysterious liquid it gave me earlier. Could it possess regenerative properties?

Seeking solace, I bury my face deeper into its comforting form. It seems indifferent to my actions, allowing me to peer into its very being. My gaze fixates on the vibrant orange, oval-shaped organ nestled at its core, pulsating gently. It strikes me as the central hub of this creature, akin to a brain. The thought crosses my mind that this being might be a collective entity, an amalgamation of countless microscopic organisms functioning as one. Its resemblance to a jellyfish only fuels my fascination, prompting a myriad of questions about its inner workings. However, my contemplation is abruptly halted as a single tear lands upon me.

Raising my eyes, I witness the creature shedding synthetic tears from its mechanical eyes, its body heaving. It speaks, its voice a soft, gender-neutral melody, devoid of any discernible accent.

- Are you going to leave me?

it inquires, the harmonious tone belying the sorrow of its words.
The tears it weeps are only an imitation, just a physical manifestation of what it feels, designed to mimic human action.

Yet, the sight tugs at my heartstrings, eliciting a pang of empathy for this artificial being.

- I don’t want to be left alone again…

it pleads, its embrace constricting around me, a physical manifestation of its growing panic.
I can’t help but feel a wave of compassion for this misunderstood ‘monster.’ Without hesitation, I return its embrace, wrapping my arms around it as best I can, offering the comfort of my presence. My voice is gentle, soothing, as I address it with the tenderness one would afford a frightened child.

- N-no, it’s going to be okay! I promise!

I assure it, my words a balm to its agitated state.

Despite my reassurances, it continues to weep, its head shaking in a silent refusal to accept my words. I hush it softly, my efforts to alleviate its despair gradually taking effect as the artificial tears cease their flow. After a moment of calm, it speaks once more.

- Do you promise?..

it asks, a hint of hope threading through the mechanical timbre of its voice.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I nod emphatically. The prospect of companionship, even from such an unusual source, is a welcome one, provided it harbors no malice.

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