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Enveloped in their strong, protective embrace, I find myself unable to pull away. Their strength is overwhelming, a force that I know I cannot resist. Their gaze is fixed on me, a look of expectation etched on their faces, as if they are waiting for something to emerge from within me.

- Can you please... Put a name on me?

they implore, their voice breaking with emotion, punctuated by sobs and long, heavy pauses. Their request leaves me puzzled, yet I can’t help but empathize with the palpable pain in their voice.

Slowly, I extend my hand, gently caressing their neck. A soft purr resonates from them, a surprising sound given their evident sorrow.

As I survey the room around us, a whirlwind of words swirls through my mind like a river in flood. The room is grimy and filled with dust, a stark contrast to the vibrant library of words and meanings that I am mentally sifting through. After what feels like an eternity, I finally settle on one.

“How about… Phoenix?”

I suggest, the name echoing in the silence of the room.

Their face lights up with a smile, their mood shifting as rapidly as their tears cease to flow. They exhale a sigh of relief, a sound that speaks volumes of their longing - a longing for this moment, for someone to free them from the prison they were in.

“Thank you.”

they whisper, their voice filled with gratitude. The thankfulness they express over something so seemingly trivial warms my heart. It’s a simple act, yet it carries a profound significance for them.

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