Chapter One

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I peacefully arise from my gentle slumber as I hear the sounds of birds singing softly inside my ear. I carefully pull the birds out of my ear. "Silly chirp chirp, that's my ear not a nest!" I laugh whimsically. The birds lift my 10lbs body off my bed. I sore through the air, gracing the presence of all around me. My baby blue orbs glance into the mirror, my golden blonde straight wavy curly perfect hair looks glossy as usual. The birds gently place my small body down on my vanity. However, I have to get a booster seat. My 2'3 petite frame cannot be seen sitting in a regular chair. I pick up my hairbrush, which was a struggle because it's about the size of me. I brush my glossy golden hair as i hear my father call for me from downstairs.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN" Father Shrek yells, "GET DOWN HERE, LORD FARQUAD IS WAITING FOR YA!" I feel my heart flutter at the mention of my betrothed's name. Lord Farquad is the sexiest, alpha wolf, sigma male in the kingdom. His 4'6 muscular, tall, frame towers over me. My mouth drools at the thought of standing beside him at the altar. His luscious dark black bob with bangs flowing as white doves flutter their wings as they pass by him. I bite my lip as I stare at the stubble on his chin, longing to feel it against my face when we kiss. The thought of his ice blue orbs looking down at me, longingly, just waiting till we can get home, and he can undre-. My fantasy was cut short by Papa Donkey gently shaking my shoulders.

"Y/N, darling, you're going to be late for your own wedding. You're not even in your wedding dress yet, what's the matter sweetie?" Papa Donkey asked me with concern in his voice. My parents have always been there for me. Papa Donkey just always knows what's on my mind, I feel like he relates to me more than Father Shrek. Papa Donkey helps me prepare for my big day. He tells me I'm beautiful and reassures me through the whole process, but the entire time I can't stop thinking of my hunky big man. He's just waiting for me, and I can't get enough of him. I want him to leave me gasping for air at the end of the night, just like he always does in my dreams and fantasies.

------------------------------------------------------------time skip--------------------------------------------------------

"I can hear the bells" I say to myself as my carriage approaches the castle of my sexy sigma hubby. Well, he's not my hubby yet, but a girl can dream! I look over at my parents, Father Shrek and Papa Donkey, I can only hope to have a marriage as successful as theirs. My parents care and love for each other so much, believe me, I've had audio proof for 18 years straight. They can't get enough of each other. I turn to Father Shrek, who is comforting a crying Papa Donkey. "Father Shrek, will you give me away?" at the sound of my words tears began to fall from his eyes.

"Of course I will. Thank you," Father Shrek says teary eyed.

"I can't believe my baby girl is getting married!" Papa Donkey exclaims.

I smile and giggle, "I'm not a little girl anymore, well at least I'm not a girl anymore." I say as I'm reminded of my small figure. Though small might not be the right word, I am only 2'3 after all. My petite frame reminds me that I will always be little even if I'm not a girl anymore. Suddenly the carriage comes to a halt. I look out the window and see that signature F. My heart flutters and my cheeks flush. The door opens and a gentleman offers his hand to help me out of the carriage. His hand is massive and looks bigger than my entire body. The stairs look massive and scary, but I remain loyal to my Lord Fary Wary and reject his massive hand politely. I watch as the guests pour into the wedding reception area. I see my lovely friends and family, Gracie, Evan, Brandon, Aisha, Fin, and so many more. Their eyes all look filled with tears of joy. Evan and Gracie look like they're going through something, but I'm sure that's just normal couple things. I hear the music start to play, and everyone rushes to their seats! As I walk down the aisle, I can't help but notice the look of mischief on Aisha's face. I glance through the crowd and see my friend Fin, who happens to be choking out a man who was supposedly going to object to my wedding. They're such a good friend!! I make my way the altar as Father Shrek walks me down the aisle. I stop just before the stairs and give Father Shrek a big hug. Knowing this would be the last time I would see him, as Lord Farquad would probably have him taken care of. He's such a good husband and wants to be the ONLY man in my life! I release Father Shrek from my grasp and walk up the stairs. I meet orbs with my tall hunky husband. His 4'6 muscular frame gives me goosebumps and I begin to feel myself crave more of him. I haven't even had any of him and yet I want more! We begin our vows and the wedding proceeds.

Finally, the priest says, "Are there any objections?" With the flash of a light two hands shoot up in unison.

"I object" they say at the same time, the turn to each other and say, "jinx, you owe my a coke!" I look out into the crowd to put names to the faces of the voices which keep saying "stop copying me!" I see Evan and Aisha arguing.

"Evan? Aisha? What made you want to object to my wedding!" I shout with tears in my eyes.

"I was bored" Aisha says

"He's short and ugly" Evan says, "do better" I look heart broken as they say this. I begin to wipe my tears when I hear glass shatter...


Lord Farquaad x Y/NOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora