Chapter Two

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I look up from wiping my tears as I hear the sound of glass shattering. I look to see where the sound originated from. As I search, my eyes land on Gracie holding the stem of a shattered wine glass. Upon hearing this noise, Aisha and Evan grab their swords out of their cute little coquette purses and begin to fight. As this battle ensues, Gracie and Fin make popcorn in the microwave which I always keep inside my dress. What? A girls gotta be prepared for anything. The battle looks messy, the sound of metal clinking fills the room. Suddenly Cat Noir busts through the doors and grabs Evan by the small of his waist. He lifts Evan into the air and carries him away to the enchanted forest. As I watch Evan being carried away my attention is suddenly diverted to the bulldozing of a wall. The most famous couple in all of the land emerges from the wall. It's Charming, the Dragon, and Brandon! They take Aisha by the arm and take her away to the magical club, where they party all night.

----------------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------

Aisha has become the queen of the club, and Lord Farquad and I are still married! Let's just say, he fulfills his marital duties WELL. I currently am sitting on the bench in our garden. These flowers are so tall. They tower over my 2'3 body. I was reading a book when suddenly I am picked up by a dragon and carried off the the enchanted forest! After what feels like eternity, I am dropped from the sky and begin to plummet towards the ground. I fall and hit the ground, shattering all my bones. But I'm not worried, my hair has special powers.

That's better. I stand up and brush the dirt off my beautiful silky blue dress. I begin to walk towards the cottage where I see a witch making potions. I walk inside and politely take my shoes off like a normal human being should. I look around and see millions of crocheted dinosaurs. I look to the witch who is standing at her cauldron singing Lana Del Ray and cooking salmon. It's an odd place to be cooking but Gracie is a little bit crazy.

I look outside and see Cat Noir and someone else. I think it's Evan! He's replaced Ladybug! They're both fighting an akumatized villain!! The villain looks like the dragon that brought me here! Suddenly Evan- I mean Bug Juice Boy uses his lucky charm and defeats the villain! I blink and suddenly I'm back on the bench. I'm so glad we can have good superheros in this kingdom. They make such a good couple, and let me say, their wedding was fabulous! After that long and eventful day, I head inside to rest.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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