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Blood in Solitude.


107 AC

Cerella had broken an oath she knew what this meant they will never let her be free but she had to , she could not let herself be submerged into the darkness with them nor her child.

The black heavens roared by the stormy lightening that struck from the sky, the thunder that sounded was loud the stars that embellished the sky shone so beautifully. Cerella sat on her bed, the thin sheets barely covering her shivering skin as she held her daughter in her arms protecting her though she felt no comfort of her own.

Her purple coloured eyes roam the cold room.

Blood soaked the edge of the sheets, a damp painful reminder to the pain she endured to bring life. Her legs ached agonisingly and with each breath she took from her lungs she could feel a sharp jab almost as if life has a distressfully strong grip on her. Cerella looked down at her sleeping baby girl wrapped in the thickest sheets she could find.

She had done a lot to get this far although it is not as far as she had hoped to be. Remembering back to the harsh winds of the night she had ran her panicked eyes roaming the streets of the capital.

When Cerella had heard the Queen was with child she did not know what to think for if a son was to be born tensions would arise and with that conflicts, she then had placed her hand upon her stomach rubbing it gently. She knew she had to do something fearing now not only for herself but more so for the safety of her child. At that point she had decided she would flee in secrecy for if they knew they would have forced her to stay, witches had once sworn oaths to houses and lords in the days of old Valyria. Cerella had decided no more, death's grip on house Targaryen had become too destructive their ruin shall not be hers.

Death brought madness and madness brought death all she sought now was safety for her child.

Cerella leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the forehead of her daughter.

Outside the rain poured tremendously Cerella briefly thought back to her time by the waters imagining the cool liquid calming her as it covered every inch. The sea is the embodiment of a women's spiritual element, magic courses through it's ripples. If Cerella could muster her strength she would take her daughter to the edges of the water and bathe her in it gently soaking up the essence of life itself.

Cerella leaned back taking her daughter further into her arms laying her on her chest as she smiled down.

"You are so beautiful my little..." Cerella bit her lip thinking a name for her lovely daughter "What should we call you?" she smiled as she held her daughter up lightly, somehow the little girl still was asleep.

Cerella tilted her head to the side the muscles in her body aching for respite but the mother was too entranced by the sleeping angel in her arms.

"I shall name you Elaenyra." Cerella whispered in the cool breeze of the thundering night.

Cerella felt her heart warm as her lips mouth the name over and over again in a silent whisper, as she rocked Elaenyra in her arms lovingly.

The door to the room slammed open as a burly frustrated man walked in the floor creaking from his heavy steps as his angered eyes look to Cerella, she clung Elaenyra closer to her as she looked to him with wide eyes.

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