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Final Days At Hogwarts
June 1907.

Elska was finally done with Hogwarts, no more classes, no more loud people in the hallways and no more waking up early. As soon as she got home, she would change into a swimsuit and tan by the pond in the garden but before that, she would perhaps help Erin with Nala, the Hippogriff.

For now, she laid in her little flat–the one that was only reserved to Head Girl and Boy. Elska used it for privacy for Henry and her, while Adolphus used it to bring women. Elska never minded as long as he remembered the rules: not one of her friends, he had to throw a silencing charm beforehand and get them out before Elska woke up to have breakfast.

"What will you do after?" Henry queried as they laid in bed, both staring at the ceiling. The pair had yet to get ready for graduation but none of them had found the strength to get up.

"After school?" Elska queried.

"Well, yes."

Elska shrugged, flipping on the bed so she was on her stomach and rested her head in the palm of her hand, "Newt and I are going to discover the world and look for creatures," Elska replied with excitement.

"Really? That's bloody great," he told her. "Where will you two go first?"

"We were thinking of Paris."

Henry hummed, stealing a lazy kiss from Elska. Truth was she liked Henry and had developed somewhat strong feelings for him. He was sweet, funny and caring. She would attend his games and cheer for him, while he would spend most of his free time on the grounds with Elska as she showed him the creatures living there. It had been a great year for her.

"What will you do after?" Elska asked softly, pulling away.

Henry sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose, "Get married, have children, work at the ministry perhaps? Dad said he could get me in."

"So you have it all worked out for you, eh?"

"Yeah, I reckon," Henry breathed out softly.

Elska found it sad. Henry would probably never know what true freedom felt like. Perhaps that was a pure-blood curse. If history went well, it repeated itself over and over again. The heir had to continue the lineage in order for the line to never die. Elsk    a found it stressing and even a bit less human. Thankfully, Erin was not into that type of mindset despite being a pure-blood.

Sensing that Henry was starting to overthink, Elska grabbed him by the tie to bring him closer so she could kiss him softly, soon enough Henry started kissing her back but before any of them could pull away, the door flew open revealing Erin, Newt and Theseus.

"Surpri–Merlin, Elskie!" Erin shouted, covering her eyes. Newt laughed as Theseus turned on his heels so he faced the other way.

"What are you doing here?"

"Professor Dumbledore told us we could come up and visit you," Newt replied with a shrug, stepping forward to press a kiss on her cheek. "Hello, Henry. Nice to see you again."

"Hello, Newt," Henry replied, red as a tomato. "Hello, Mrs. Scamander. Hi, Theseus."

Erin greeted him as Theseus nodded his head simply. Henry rose to his feet, excusing himself because he had to go and get ready. A minute was all it took for him to leave the flat. Erin and Newt settled down on the couch as Theseus did not move, and instead avoided Elska.

Elska and Theseus didn't see each other much these past few months–he was busy and barely came home whenever Elska was there. They never exchanged letters as if they were strangers again. It wouldn't surprise Elska to know that Erin had dragged her son there.

TWIN FLAMES. . . theseus scamanderWhere stories live. Discover now