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It's Nice To Have A Friend
September 1907.

     Connell Barclay seemed to follow Elska everywhere she went. Elska was peacefully walking through Piccadilly Circus like every Tuesday morning when she bumped into him again. The bumping seemed to make him laugh as he uttered: what a coincidence!

"I am going to start thinking that you are following me, Connell," Elska told him with an arched eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here, well five minutes away really," he replied with a shrug. "But what brings you here?"

"Groceries," Elska replied, showing the bag.

Before Elska could continue, Connell scratched the back of his neck and said, "Would you like to go eat something with me?"

"Sure, when?"


Elska smiled, "Sure. Let's meet here at noon?" Connell nodded happily as she waved at him, heading back to the flat. For the first time in a while, Elska smiled at the thought of meeting another man.

When she reached the flat, Newt was working in the living room and she carefully put the bag of groceries on the kitchen table which caught his attention.

"Hi, Elskie," Newt said tenderly, petting one of his creatures. "Puff was looking for you today," he then added. "What got you so cheery?"

"What do you mean?" Elska asked with a frown as she unloaded the bag. "I am always cheery, Newt."

"No, not like this," Newt said.

Elska sighed, putting the bottle of milk down as she threw her head back, "Oh, I loathe it! I cannot hide one single thing from you. I saw Connell Barclay today."

"Oh, Theseus hates that bloke, I reckon," Newt blurted out. "I am sorry, it is not the right time to talk about Theseus, is it?"

"No, Newt. It's never the right time," she told him. "But Connell asked me on a date and I've said yes," she added as Newt's eyes grew wide in shock. "What is it?"

Newt opened his mouth to say something but stopped, "Nothing, it is really grand, Elska. When is the date?"

"At noon," Elska said, checking the cloak above his head. "Merlin, I need to get ready."

Elska ignored Newt's stare and hurried to her bedroom. Getting ready and being on time was not Elska's speciality. Running a hand through her hair, she groaned, pulling at them quietly as she grabbed two dresses from her closet. Thankfully, the weather was still warm enough to wear dresses but she could not choose the colour. Hurriedly, she yelled for Newt and he came right away.

"Which one? Green or yellow?"

"Er, yellow. It suits your skin tone," Newt answered rapidly though she suspected the only reason was that it shouted Hufflepuff but she threw it on anyway.

By eleven thirty, she was kissing Newt's cheek, promising to be home before dinner. Piccadilly Circus was a little walk from their flat but still, she wanted to be early and to not be the last to arrive or else, she would find it awfully awkward. To her relief, Connell was not there yet and she even managed to find a bench to sit on so she could read.

"Well, someone was here early," Connell's voice echoed from above as he hid the sun, suddenly making Elska shiver. "Hello again, Elska."

"Hello to you, Connell," she replied, rising to her feet so she was almost his height. "Where are you taking me on this fine day?"

Connell's eyes ranked her up and down, his tongue licking his lips slowly as he finally reached her eyes, "You look beautiful," Connell whispered and Elska found herself lost for words. "And a restaurant. They serve the best fish and chips there."

TWIN FLAMES. . . theseus scamanderWhere stories live. Discover now