
"..you suck." Valera commented as she drank her slushie from a straw.

"Is there like any point of you being here besides commenting about our golf skills?" Topper questioned, annoyed, as he looked at Valera, who shook her head with a grin on her face.

"Since Rafe wants to be my babysitter today, which, by the way, I don't really need one," Valera replied, throwing a look at Rafe, "I can insult your golf skills."

"Why did you bring her here?" Topped directed his question to Rafe,

"Because val likes to hang out with the pogues. I'm keeping her away from them." Rafe replied, swinging the golf club around.

Valera rolled her eyes, "he's just being an overprotective jerkface."

"The pogues are bad, val. You should stay away from them." Topper told her, and Valera raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of attitude.

"They're not bad as you guys make them seem to be. Gosh, Rafe, I don't question your choice of friends," Valera gestured to Topper, who gave her an offended look.

"So, don't judge mine."

Rafe rolled his eyes, " As your big brother. It is my job to judge your friends."

"And as your younger sister, it is my right to insult yours. Topper, learn how to golf, take him to the kid area next time, jeez, I'm embarrassed just by standing near you guys." Valera replied before she spotted Pope.

It seemed like Rafe spotted him as well. Rafe walked over to Pope,

"Hey, how much for one of those beers?" Rafe questioned,

"Rafe, don't." Valera told him, but she was ignored

Pope glanced at her before looking at Rafe.

"They're not for sale." Pope replied as he tried to walk off, but Rafe stopped him.

"Wait, wait, wait, you can just give us one, right?" Rafe said,

"Rafe, leave him alone. If you really want a beer, then we can go buy some." Valera told him,

"Shut up, Val. This doesn't concern you." Rafe told her, throwing her a glare.

Valera scoffed, "it does if you're keeping my friend from doing his job," She stood in front of Pope.

"Let it go, Rafe."

"Lera, it's okay." Pope said, touching her shoulder, and that seemed to piss of Rafe.

"Hey, get your hands off, my sister!" Rafe yelled, shoving Pope back and Valera to the side.

Pope shoved him back, and Rafe tossed him to the ground before grabbing his golf club and smacking it against Pope.

"Stop! Stop it!" Valera yelled, "yo! Rafe, stop!" Topper told him.

Rafe raised the golf club again, and Valera ran over, shielding Pope with her body.

She was expecting a blow to the back, but it never came. She looked at Rafe, who lowered the golf club, scoffing at her.

She glared at him before she looked at Pope, gently cupping his face in her hands.

Pope groaned, teeth covered in blood, his blood.

"What the fuck is your deal, Rafe!? He wasn't doing anything to you, Jesus fuck." Valera cursed,

Rafe rolled his eyes, and pulled Valera back, pushing her towards Topper, who caught her, and Valera shrugged him off.

Rafe crouched down next to Pope, "rafe, leave him alone!"

Topper held back Valera, " We don't want you over here, got that?" Rafe told Pope before he glanced at Valera, then back at Pope.

"And I don't want you anywhere near my sister, do you understand that? I don't want you to look at her, touch her, do you understand that?"

Valera brought her foot up and brought it down on Topper's foot, making let out a small shout, and she turned and punched him in the face, making him let go of her.

Valera rushed over and shoved Rafe back, "You are such an asshole!"

She punched him in the shoulder, and Rafe grabbed her wrist. "Don't hit me." He told her.

She glared up at him ,"What are you gonna do? Hit me with your golf club?"

"Val.." Rafe started, but Valera scoffed, pulling her arm away from him.

"Unless the next words coming out of your mouth are apologies, then I don't want to hear it, Rafe." Valera told him before she crouched down next to Pope.

"Oh, Pope, I am so sorry, come on." Valera helped him up, putting an arm around his waist and his arm around her shoulder.

"Valera!" Rafe yelled at her, using her full name making her pause. She looked at him.

"Enjoy your fucking beers, assholes." She spat out before walking away with Pope.


"...2020 Malibu, 24 MXC, the world's finest wakesetter. Number on in quality, luxury, and performance." Pope said, as he, JJ, and Valera looked at Topper's boat.

"This is war," JJ spoke , "they hit us, we hit them." He put on a bandana, covering his lower half of his face and sunglasses.

"How does this affect Rafe? " Valera questioned. As much as she loved her brother, he deserved some payback for what he did to Pope.

"Oh, we'll get him soon, babe." JJ replied, a grin, and Pope took off his shirt and hat, tossing them aside.

Valera did her best not to look at his chest but at his eyes.

JJ threw her a knowing look under those sunglasses of his. He had a smirk behind the bandana.

"Let's do it."

Pope jumped into the water and swam towards the boat.

"..oh, my gosh, Pope, look at that chest. How did you get those abs." JJ mimicked a girly voice

Valera shoved him, "Shut up, can you blame me? He's hot." She muttered, and JJ laughed.

"Fucking knew it! You like Pope." JJ said, and Valera shush him.

"Shh, he's gonna hear you. Yeah, I like him, but do you think he's gonna like me after what Rafe did to him?" Valera sighed.

"You didn't beat him, lera. Rafe's actions were his actions, not yours, plus, Pope said, you protected him, he found it Hella hot how you shielded him with your own body, said, your boobs were close to his face." JJ told her, his tone teasing by the end of his sentence.

Valera huffed, her cheeks turning red, and she nudged JJ with her shoulder as Pope came back.

JJ let out a laugh, and Pope looked between Valera and JJ. A feeling of jealousy overcoming him.

"You guys can't tell anybody." Pope interrupted them.

"We won't, promise." JJ told him, and Valera nodded,

"Yeah, Pope, we won't tell anyone." Valera said

"I'm serious, guys, not John B, or Kiara." Pope said,

"Yeah, yeah, give me that." JJ said, and Pope passed him something, and JJ tossed it into the water as far as he could.

"Okay, let's get out of here."


"...it's the royal merchant." John B said, and the group of friends shared a look.

"Holy shit. It's the royal merchant!"




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