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Valera sat in a room, looking at her wrist that was handcuffed to a table. She had a visitor, but they didn't tell her who it was.

She lifted her head as the door to the room opened, and John B walked in, looking a bit confused, but he smiled as he saw Valera.

Valera sat up straighter, a small smile on her face.

John B sat down in front of her. "Lera, hey, how are you doing?"

Valera shrugged, "Been better. You?"

John B sighed ,"Been better."

They both chuckled, and John B glanced around before leaning forward, and he gestured for Valera to do the same.

Valera leaned forward, "we have a plan to get you out of here."

Valera shook her head, "No, JB, it's risky and.."

"I don't care,"John B cut her off, "none of us care if it's risky and that we could get caught and we could all end up in jail,"

"We care about you, and we are not going to sit around and wait until your execution, lera," John B's eyes softened, and he placed a hand on hers.

"You are like my sister, which is weird because my girlfriend is your twin," they both let out small chuckles,

"You sacrificed everything for me, Lera. You didn't have to, but you did, so let me do this for you." John B told her.

Valera stared at him before nodding her head ,"Okay. What do you need me to do?"

John B smiled ,"Okay, well, I'm gonna need you to fake an appendix rupture, you do that, we'll take care of the rest."

"I can do that, and John B?" John B hummed,

"I'm sorry about before, about everything." She said, and John B shrugged,

"It's okay. Tomorrow, 7 p.m."

John B stood up and left the room, and Valera watched him leave.

She could do it. She has to do it. She couldn't let her friends down.


Tomorrow came quicker than Valera thought. The day passed faster than anything.

When it hit seven p.m., Valera started to groan, holding her side. "Hey! I need help here!" She yelled, hunching over.

"Hey, I need help!"

The door to her room opened, and a female prison guard appeared, annoyed, "What?"

"My side, it's really hurting, and I puked a lot, I think something is wrong." Valera told her.

"Shit, it might be an appendix rupture." The prison guard cursed her breath and called for a doctor.

"It hurtin' real bad." Valera cried out,

"How long has it been hurting?" The prison guard questioned,

"Since yesterday, but it wasn't as bad as right now." Valera groaned,

"Damm it, doc, I think we need an ambulance."

Valera had to wait ten long minutes before two familiar paramedics showed up.

"We'll take her from here." That was JJ. He shot Valera a wink, as Kai helped her into the gurney.

"I'm coming with. She's dangerous." Ths prison guard said in a tone for no room for arguments.

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