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"...so, you actually stole the cross from Ward?" JJ questioned in disbelief, staring at the cross,

"Yeah, it was pretty easy." Dawn replied with a small nod, and Topper gave him a look of disbelief,

Rafe's group arrived at the location that Dawn had the cross a couple of minutes ago.

"Easy? I almost died." Topper said, and Dawn shrugged, "but you didn't, didn't you?"

"I'm disappointed he didn't." Kai spoke up, and Topper threw him an offended look, and Valera smiled at Topper,

"I, for one, I'm glad that Top didn't die." She said, and Topper smiled at her, "Thank you," he glared at the others,

"At least someone appreciates me."

"Okay," JJ grinned, "Let's call John B and tell him we have the cross."

Rafe shook his head, "No, no way."

"Why not?" JJ looked over at him, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Because I said so." Rafe replied, and JJ ignored him, taking his phone out and powering it on, but it was snatched from his hands.

"Hey, give it back!" JJ reached for his phone, but Rafe held it away from him,

"No. Do you wanna hear it in Spanish? No." JJ glared at him before smirking as he gently poked Rafe in his wound, making him double over in pain, and JJ snatched his phone from him.

"Ha, I'm smarter than you." JJ laughed, stumbling back as Rafe reached out to reach him,

"Yo!" Barry snatched the phone from JJ, "No phones. They can track you."

JJ chuckled, "Who would track me? My dad doesn't give a shit about me, so nobody is looking for me."

JJ reached for his phone, but Barry held it away from him and tossed it at Topper, who clumsily caught it, almost dropping it.

JJ let out a force laugh, "Funny. Top, give me my phone."

"Don't give him the phone." Rafe demanded,glaring at Topper,

As Topper looked between JJ and Rafe, Valera snatched the phone from Topper hands,

"Val, don't." Rafe told her, but Valera went to contacts and clicked on John B's,

Rafe rushed over, but Valera tossed the phone to JJ, who caught it,

"Yo, John B! We found the cro...hey!" The phone was snatched from JJ, and the call was hanged up by Barry,

"Oops, sorry." Barry grinned, and JJ glared at him,

"Barry, phone." Barry tossed the phone to Rafe, who destroyed the phone.

"Are you serious? You owe me a new phone." JJ told him, shaking his head at him.

"Why don't you want the others to know, Rafe? What are you planning?" Valera questioned,

"We're taking the cross for ourselves." Rafe replied with a small shrug.

JJ scoffed, "No way! Are you insane!? This cross belongs to Pope and his family,ain't no way you are taking it from him!"

Rafe smirked at him, "Just did."

JJ looked at Dawn and Kai, "Don't tell me you are going through with this?"

"It's the only way, Jess." Kai told him, taking a step towards him, but JJ took a step back, shaking his head and scoffing at him, his eyes full of betrayal.

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