Welcome Party | Price [N]

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Suggested by smart_axxx_! Thank you!

Joining the task force 141 was a huge deal for you. 

It was something that gave you purpose, to work for every day and to be proud of. As much as people said that the army was draining and unrewarding in the grand scheme of things, you believed it's the journey that counts. So, the look in your eyes when you read the email of acceptance set your soul alight with excitement.

You were picked from hundreds of applications, however only half a dozen got into the task force - and one of them was you. The task force welcomed everyone in, got them settled in with lockers, beds and schedules, as you expected, and stated that in a few hours there would be a celebratory party for the new additions.

It gave everyone a chance to get to know each other, they said, and that it would encourage new bonds between the recruits and members alike. You thought it was a great idea, not minding a celebration every now and then. So, as the hours slowly ticked by with you beginning to settle into the new environment you had to call home, you decided to wear something casual yet formal - nothing too special yet it could be more than enough for a party.

As you walk down the hall, your heart raced. It raced back to the thought of Captain Price, the initial leader of the task force, and the way he announced the party making sure to linger eye contact with every new recruit and member. But the way he looked at you...it struck you slightly. You weren't sure whether it was excitement for the party, nervousness of the entire situation or something else sparking between you two.

Pushing the doors open, you lead yourself into the common room with a smile that made everyone turn and welcome you.

"Ah, Y/N! Hello!" the one called Soap greeted - his blue eyes standing out from his rough face, a excited grin laying across his thin lips showing white teeth. You greet him back returning his jovial energy and greet everyone else the same, clearly excited to meet everybody.

The party began to fill up bit by bit and soon enough, everyone was there having a prepared snack or a solo cup full of some alcohol or another. The mood was pleasant and the atmosphere among the room felt calming and nurturing, sending a wave of peace over you. You had made the right choice to go here.

You poured yourself a drink, having spoken as much small talk as you possibly could with almost everyone. Except one - the captain. You suddenly feel a body next to you, turning your head to only see the man himself. Captain Price, his mutton chops neatly combed and a small smile on his face.

"Hello Y/N, we haven't properly spoke yet I don't think. Welcome to the team, we are so glad to have you here!" he introduced with a kind tone, which you couldn't help but smile to.

"Ah, thank you for picking me. It feels like an honour to be here!" you replied with a slight laugh, fishing one out of him as well. He adjusted his hat atop his head and tilted his chin down towards you.

"Well, I sadly didn't choose. The higher-ups did. If I could, though, I would definitely choose you to be here." he said, making you laugh a little as you sipped your drink.

"And how many people have you said that to, hm?"

"Just one. And I don't think that'll change."

You laugh softly and tilt your head in curiosity. "Oh yeah?" you take a sip of your drink again. "What makes you say that then?"

"Well, your resume was brilliant - we got hold of them after choosing to learn basic details. Plus, we need some light spirits on this team. Soap's all alone on that one." he joked, making you laugh as well. Your stomach began to twist and twine around itself, bringing a light pink to your cheeks as you took another sip.

You knew you were blushing slightly as you continued talking with the captain, but that didn't stop you. Unfortunately, the conversation never ended and nor did either of your drinks. It felt bottomless - you couldn't talk about anything more yet you could always talk(and drink).

You clutch your stomach as you laugh, with it being several hours since the party had begun to die down and only one since everyone else left. You and the Captain were left alone, still talking. You weren't sure if you heard it right, but you knew that the other members of the 141 were nudging him slightly with whistles and raised eyebrows but he put that to a stop before our flow ended.

Your eyes link with his as you arise again, and the way he is looking at you sends you in a haze. You felt your cheeks burn and lips release to exhale. He moves from the sofa opposite you and sits next to you, looking down at you.

"You tired or something?" he asks, slightly slurring his words with a teasing tone.

"No, I told you I don't get tired easily!" you reply with cheek, making him bring his face closer to yours with a raised eyebrow.

"You sure?" he says quietly as he cups your cheek gently to make you face him.

Your eyes open slightly and your lips part as his thumb runs over your lower lip, breaking the eye contact and focusing on it. His eyes slowly move up to yours again and you feel your heart race, your pulse soaring and blood being pumped all over your body. He leans in, and you don't lean away.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 04 ⏰

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