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They say the act of speaking to oneself is soliloquizing: and that highly intelligent people tend to do it often.
    You know what funny? Even though these statements are facts: there are certain things that may pose as a contradiction to it.
    Hear me out: Have you ever seen someone walking in the streets and talking to themselves? If you have, what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Do you perhaps go like," ohhh wow, what an intelligent person! talking to himself in broad daylight, in the streets... oh how intelligent of him?"
      Let be honest, we don't think that way... In our minds, we are wondering,"... what's up with this fellow; is he okay?
    In my culture(am African btw), people brand these type of behaviors as acts of madness... the minute they see you talking to yourself, there is this immediate reaction  they display... Some people will change lanes just to avoid the ' crazy man talking to himself '.
       Maybe its not the same in your culture...
This may not seem as such a big deal at all: but, I want us to normalize voicing our opinions and thoughts, and allowing others to voice theirs as well- in whatever shape and form it displayed.
     Its not psychotic to reason out with yourself: I mean, how can you know the full extent of your thoughts and beliefs, if you don't hear yourself out.
   Don't get me wrong, ok. Its very good to talk to with peoplw. But, there are certain plans and agendas you might have: that you shouldn't immediately share with people. Try to come to terms with what you wanna do, and the reasoning behind what you wanna: and then, if you like, you can share it with others.
    There is a scripture in the Bible that I love: In the book of Habakkuk 2:2, it says, "And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.".
    You see, Habakkuk was told to write what he had seen. You, like Habakkuk may have had certain visions and aspirations about your life. Just because you have a vision, doesn't mean it will be actualized: you have to be intentional and put that vision to work. One of the ways, a vision can be actualized is by penning said vision down.
Remember, a short pen is better than a long memory: no matter how good you are at keeping things in your head, you should endeavor to write things down.
  You may not necessarily forget everything: but, what if someone asked you what you wanted to do and be in life- what would you do? Would you tell the person to find a scalpel and dig through the contents of your brain? Of course not, except if you are being sarcastic to the person.
    But otherwise, you will take some time and reason out the things in your brain that matter to you: those will be the things you will tell the person.
The difference between a 2 minute and a 30 minute thinking process, is in the groundwork you had already made in your mind: and the convictions and goals you've already laid out inside you.
    I encourage you today my dear: try thinking out loud, the wealth of treasure inside you might surprise you.

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