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Two months.

Lisa has been lying on the same hospital bed for two long months now, her condition barely getting better at all. She hasn't even moved a muscle out of reflection.

It scares Jennie to death, seeing Lisa like that after giving everything to find her.

She's barely holding on anymore. Each day, Jennie opens her eyes in hope of seeing Lisa awake. Each night, she sits next to Lisa's bed, holds her hand and begs her to wake up, begs her to show the light in her eyes again.

But Lisa never listens.

She never gives Jennie what she wants. And Jennie cannot help but think this is somehow the punishment of betraying Lisa's trust when she gave everything to her and Jennie just couldn't even stay honest with her.

The brunette hates to think of it like that, to think of Lisa's life as something to punish her with. She just can't stop her brain.

Lisa is her lover. And each day, regardless of Lisa waking up or not, talking to her or not... wanting her or not, Jennie loves her even more.

Lisa has to wake up.

You have to wake up.

Jennie says in her mind as she watches the taller girl lying on the bed, lifeless. She's thinner than ever, her face losing color each day more than the day before. There's no sign of her round cheeks, it's mostly cheek bones and the dark bags under her closed eyes. Her soft lips are now dry and colorless.

She wipes one stray tear away and looks away, standing up to get ready for work.

Jennie's practically living in the hospital room with Lisa now, she just sometimes goes home to see Kuma for about 10 minutes before rushing back to the hospital in fear of something happening while she's not here.

The CEO doesn't bother putting on much make-up, that's just her appearance these days. She can't paint her face happy knowing the love of her life is struggling in hospital to stay alive. She sometimes even hate herself and everybody else for getting back to life.

The other day, she was about to pick a fight with Chaeyoung for preparing a new song to release that's not even due to another month.

Jennie shakes her head, puts on a clean set of clothes and walks to Lisa's bed. She tries to give the sleeping girl a smile.

"Good morning, Lili." She starts her usual morning conversation with her. "I should get to work again. You're always sleeping these days," she swallows the tears. "One of us has to pay the bills, right?"

Softly, Jennie brushes Lisa's messy bangs with her fingers, placing them out of her forehead.

"But I'm not complaining, rest as much as you need, okay, baby?" She tells her, as if Lisa can actually hear her talking. "I'll be right here when you wake up." Jennie leans down and plants a tender kiss on the newly exposed skin of her forehead. "See you in the afternoon, okay? I love you."

And she then walks out of the room, not standing there more, afraid of bursting into tears if she keeps talking to the sleeping Lisa more than that.

By the elevator, as their routine, Karina is waiting with a cup of hot coffee in one hand while the other is holding today's schedule for Jennie to take. She greets her with a small bow and leads the way.

In the elevator her secretary starts to inform her about today's plans, making Jennie leave all the thoughts behind as she sets herself for another busy day, trying to get her company out of yet another crisis by setting lots of international meetings for them to collaborate.

To Be Yours (JENLISA☑️)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon