Chapter One. The Meeting

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A/N: Welcome back everyone! I promise I'm in it for real this time, but I cant promise chapters will come out often. The story will probably take years to finish, but I promise it will get finished.  And for any new readers, I would recommend reading the first book, but only to chapter 10, cuz anything after that is me having a mental breakdown-

And, boy do I know some people wont like how I made Americas human disguise, but hey, it’s what makes sense with my headcannon for who his mom is- pls don’t get mad I tried my best ;⁰;

CW: mentions of suicidal thoughts and the process of skinning and de-organing a deer.





America had heard his name being called by one of his friends, or atleast the closest he’ll get to a friend, Imperial Russia. As the Russian is running towards America, he noticed he has some sort of shiny chain hanging out of his gloved hand.
Imperial struggled to catch his breath. Once he finally somewhat caught it he looked towards the American, "...America, I have something for you." After a few more pants of the Russian trying to stabilise himself, that's when America finally decides to respond, "yeah? what is it?" He took a moment to look at the tall Russian man. His hair was short and unusually messy, which was strange because he’s usually so strict about how he presents himself. He was wearing one of the most overly decorated uniforms America had seen with gold chains and an assortment of colourful medals on his dark grey uniform jacket. A bit over the top if you ask him, but he didn’t expect any less from the Russian.
"I'm going to be away for a couple of months, so I had someone make you something to remind you of me.” Russian Empire opens his hand in front of him, who looked at what he has in his hand, a Russian orthodox rosary. it looked beautiful. There were little gems embedded in the rosary that had the same colours as the Russians flag. The colours red, blue and white were contrasted on the black metal. It was gorgeous.
"Aww you didn't have too. you can keep it. I don't really need it." He lied. Usually, he would accept a gift like this, but he felt nauseous looking at the thing. like an ominous presence was attached to it. Imperial’s wings shifted in discomfort, while he looked around nervously. He made eye contact with America once again, "Hmт.. No, I insist." 'does he really want me to have it that badly?'. “Well if you insi-” Imperial shoved the rosary into his hands, and ran away down the hall yelling “THANK YOU!”
America stared dumbfounded in the direction that Imperial ran off in. He blinked and got a grip on his mind again and stared down at the necklace he was just given. He stared at it for what felt like an eternity, dread crawling on the edges of his mind as a shiver made it’s way up his spine.
Something is wrong.... horribly wrong.



America jolts up in bed. His hand reaches up and rubs at his eyes. That damn dream again. he's been having it a lot recently. The rosary that Imperial Russia gave to him is around his neck, as its one of the only things he had left of him and his legacy. But there was no use on dwelling on the past. He looks towards his clock. It's 6:56am. 'I should probably get ready for work.' The words rang in his mind. He sighs and swiftly gets up off his bed, but turned his head when he thought he saw something just in his peripherals. “that’s strange,” he muttered to himself.
He stretches, his back popping and he sighs with relief. That relief doesn’t last long however, as a horrendous migraine hits him like a bullet. He steps back in and the backs of his legs make contact with his bed frame. He falls to his bed, holding his head, his eyes close as pain reaches every nook and cranny of his mind. He groans in pain, his ears ringing. “God, not now, please... ” He groans out. He’s been getting these migraines pretty often. He knows he should probably go and visit a professional to get them checked up on again, but he keeps forgetting, well, right until he gets another one at least.
After waiting for what seems like forever, the migraine cools down into a severe headache, which, while not really any better, is not to bad when in consideration to how bad the migraines can get. He gets up shakily, and walks towards his ensuite bathroom to slash some water on his face. While he’s in the bathroom, after splashing water on his face, he reaches for his medicine cabinet and takes out a naproxen bottle out. He has gotten the migraines checked out before, after his brother became increasingly worried for him, and with the severity of the migraines and headaches, he was recommended naproxen. He takes the cup that’s been on the side for who knows how long and fills it with water before sipping it and taking the couple of pills he’d taken from the bottle.
After all that, he waits a few minutes, then brushes his teeth and takes his prescription sunglasses from the side the sink. He puts them on and looks up at the mirror. The sunglasses cover the eye bags well enough. He admits that constantly having a dream that wakes him up every time he has it has indeed done a number on his sleep schedule. He takes a deep breath and leaves the bathroom.
Instead of going downstairs just yet, he goes to his walk-in closet and picks out a navy blue suit and quickly puts it on, along with a watch. While putting on the watch, he checks the time. 7:39. Damn, he hadn’t realised how long he spent waiting for the headache to die down. He shakes his head and leaves the closet, holding the suit jacket in his arm, not ready to put it on just yet. Just as he closes the door to the closet, his bedroom door opens.
"Oh hey, Canada. Whatcha here for?" America questioned his half brother. Who seems to be tired. He loved his brother, but he was at one point on a mental decline and it seemed to be heading for the worst. If his brother hadn’t called a hotline at the last moment then his baby brother may have left this world. Apparently, after Canada’s call with the hotline he immediately called him and asked if he could stay for a while. Just till he felt better. Right now Canada was doing okay and had, in fact, gone to see a therapist last week.
“Just wanted to say that the meeting is in five hours, and you know how far the trip there is, so you better be ready and have had breakfast within thirty minutes,” his brother said without any pauses. And then left America’s room. Something about Canada’s tone made America think the Canadian was anxious about today’s meeting. America kind of just stared off into space for a second, wondering what breakfast would be, before snapping back, and swiftly leaving the room after Canada, while also trying to smoothly put on his suit jacket.
Quickly, making his way down the stairs, he passes the many pictures of his family and children along the stair walls. While many of them were adopted, he didn’t see them any less than his children. Though, sadly, he hadn't seen most of his states in a while, as they've been busy looking after their individual states. oh how he missed them. Too much sometimes. Even though he knows the house he’s living in right now wouldn’t fit all of them. It’s a pretty big house, but it only has three bedrooms. Four including the attic, but that’s a mess at the moment. Still keeping a fast pace, he makes his way to the kitchen.
The veil is thin. He'll be appearing soon..
He stopped in the middle of the hallway.  He heard something whisper directly into his ear. He turns his head, looking for his brother who might just be playing a prank on him, "Hello?" He exclaimed with uncertainty. The whisper doesn't respond. "Well, I guess I'm just going crazy." He let out as a whisper, but continued on the walk to the kitchen. Feeling a cold chill down his spine. Making his way to the kitchen and saw Canada making pancakes. He couldn't smell them from his room, but man, did he love Canada’s pancakes, they tasted the best in his opinion. He approaches his brother from behind, "Hey, Can-Can whatcha making?" He jokingly asked.
Canada jumps from his brother’s sudden appearance behind him. He turns to face his brothers smug face “Jesus Christ, America! Don’t do that! Especially while we’re in the kitchen!” America stares blankly at Canada. Then he goes to sit at the dining table. If he was being honest, he felt that Canada over reacted. He pulled out a chair and sat down, resting his elbow on the table and his head in his hand. A bored expression on his face, while he waits for breakfast.
His mind wonders. From what he’ll be having for lunch, to how long of a drive it is to the UN headquarters. Thinking of the UN headquarters, his mind lingers there for a second. What could the meeting be about? They were given little to no information on the sudden meeting, and that’s a little concerning. What little information that was given didn’t give any clues on what it was about either, as all that was said was ‘IMPORTANT MEETING ON THE 17TH OF AUGUST,’ and than a list of countries that would be attending. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Canada put a plate of pancakes in front of him. The pancakes looked delicious. There was chocolate sauce with whipped cream and blueberries on top. He immediately digs in, knowing he’ll need to finish quickly to get to the meeting at a reasonable-ish time.
While mid bite, America looks up at his brother, who is just staring at his own plate of pancakes vacantly. He knew what was going on as soon as his saw the look in his brothers eyes. He places his fork down on the plate and clears his throat. Canada once again jumps at the sudden noise, he looks up, his forest green eyes meet America’s pale blue eyes. "Canada are you feeling okay? You seem a bit out of it."
Canada’s chest deflates in sigh. “Well,” He drums his nails against the table, “for the most part yeah. It’s just,” he glances back down at the pancakes, “Do you know anything about the meeting?” he looks back up at America, who had started eating once again, stops mid bite and blinks at Canada. Who in turn, just stares dumbly at his brother
“uh, not really,” He shrugs. Canada roles his eyes, “Well, I wasn’t really expecting you to have an answer.”
They both stay silent for a hot minute. Canada shifts awkwardly in his seat, “Do you think it could be about Imperials shrinking border?”
America’s shoulders tense up. Usually when someone said the name Imperial nowadays, he would assume they were talking about Imperial Japan. But given the context, this is obviously about The Tsardom of Russia, or Imperial Russia, or the Russian Empire. His name was different depending on who was asked. But that’s irrelevant right now. Sometime after the first world war ended, Imperial had gone missing. Most people thought he’d been killed due to how paranoid and erratic he had looked before disappearing. But more worrisome was the sudden crazy border control, and over time the border shrank. Or well, that’s what everyone thinks, but he’s not too sure.
“Nah, if it were that important, they would have said,” he says and Canada deadpans at him, “The first two words of the Email were ‘important meeting’, and you don’t think it could be about the out of control border stuff?” everything is silent for a moment. America scratches the back of his neck nervously, “listen, the meeting is probably just about something like climate change, or something. You know how UN thinks stuff like that is important!” “because it is?-” “anyway, listen Canny, don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll all be fine,” Canada exhales, “yeah, you’re probably right.”
Unfortunately, speaking of the Russian, had made him reminisce. He missed his dry humour, specifically how blunt he was. America knows that Imperial had lots of flaws, and didn’t really try to hide them. He misses when he’d drag him over to see his daughter that Imperial decided to give to America, as he didn’t have the time to look after her, still America made him at least talk to her every once in a while. Especially since America looked after around 30 plus states who were still pretty young at the time, and America was just as busy, if not, more then Imperial was.
The Russian Empire had issues. But America didn’t blame him. But what annoyed America was for others treated him. UN said that Imperial closed his country for selfish reasons. Don’t ask him what reasons, as UN refuses to elaborate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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