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as thomas and eveline walked through the darkened streets of small heath, the glow of the few streetlights cast long shadows across their path. the silence between them was heavy, filled with unspoken thoughts and persistent tension from the events of the night. thomas glanced over his shoulder every so often, a silent sentinel keeping watch for any signs of danger.

in a rare moment of vulnerability, thomas broke the silence with a soft, somber tone, uttering the words, "i'm sorry."

eveline felt a prick of surprise and warmth at his unexpected apology. though she wanted to accept it, she knew that even with his words, there would always be a lingering ache from the scars of their shared experiences.

as thomas's apology hung in the air, eveline found herself at a loss for words. instead, she let the weighty silence between them speak volumes. 

she studied thomas's face, illuminated by the dim glow of the streetlights, and saw the unmistakable pain printed across his features.

his eyes, usually harsh and resolute, now held a trace of vulnerability, betraying the turmoil within. his mouth, typically set in a firm line, now carried a hint of sadness, as the corners downturned in an unspoken admission of regret.

it was clear to ward that thomas was hurting. his facade of strength came crumbling in the face of what happened. in spite of the darkness surrounding them, the raw emotion radiating from thomas's wounded expression pierced through the night, laying bare the depth of his remorse.

in that moment, birmingham's most feared gangster revealed a powerlessness rarely seen, his hardened facade cracking to uncover the raw humanity beneath. 

days after that eerie night, finn came racing to thomas and eveline, with urgency in his voice. 

"the grave's been dug up, it 'as!" he exclaimed, his words laced with fear.

thomas and eveline exchanged a glance, initially dismissing finn's words as mere child's play. surely it was another one of his silly games, they thought.

"and what grave is that, finn?" thomas questioned with mischief.

the youngest brother's response, however, wiped the smirk off thomas's face.

"tha grave of danny whizzbang! it's been dug up, and everything's gone!"

finn's wide eyes and trembling voice left no room for doubt.

thomas and eveline's heart sank as they realized the gravity of the situation. finn went on to recount how he stumbled upon the disturbed grave while playing near the graveyard, prompting him to investigate further. his discovery of the empty grace, once housing hidden guns, sent a shiver down their spines.

then, tommy hastily grabbed his coat, with his mind racing. they followed finn's lead, his small figure leading the way to the graveyard. as they approached the scene, thomas and eveline couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over them. surely enough, when they reached the grave finn had spoken of, their worst fears were confirmed. 

the grave had indeed been hollowed out, devoid of any trace of its previous contents. only a mound of brown dirt remained, a haunting testament to the grave's desecration. 

eveline's voice broke first.

"i can't believe this," she uttered, her eyes fixed on the barren grave.

thomas remained silent, his gaze also locked on the empty space before him, grappling with the implications of this unsettling discovery.

"who could've done this? this was s'posed to stay in the family," eveline remarked.

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