broken melodies

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as the sun dipped below the horizon, the streets of watery lane were cloaked in a strange twilight. suddenly, the calm of the evening was shattered by the arrival of an army of police. the people watched in apprehension as the officers descended upon the garrison.

each officer moved with purpose, their eyes scanning the crowd with unwavering determination, searching for the elusive figure of thomas shelby. the patrons exchanged nervous glances, knowing that one wrong move could incite chaos.

meanwhile, thomas and eveline slipped away from the scene, their footsteps muffled by the hushed whispers of the night.

as thomas and eveline approached her aunt's house on mansell road, a sense of tranquility washed over them. 

memories flooded back to them both as they walked, recalling the countless afternoons spent playing in the yard and exploring the nooks and crannies of the old house. it had always been a place of refuge, a sanctuary from the troubles of the world outside.

the house itself stood proudly amidst the quiet neighborhood, with its red-bricked exterior illuminated by the warm glow of the porch light. a traditional entryway with a curved hood welcomed them, while a sturdy six-panel door stood sentinel.

despite its simplicity, the house exuded a sense of charm, with curtains drawn over the windows and a small garden adorning the front yard. 

as they reached the porch, eveline turned to thomas with a nostalic smile, her eyes reflecting the memories that stayed within the walls of this home.

eveline then raised her hand to knock on the door. beside her, thomas stood tall and vigilant, his eyes scanning the quiet street for any signs of trouble. they waited in tense silence, unsure if eveline's aunt would be home at this hour.

as they stood there, thomas continued to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings, his senses on high alert for any unexpected visitors.

finally, the door creaked open, revealing a woman with dark brown, bobbed hair and a long navy blue dress. her aunt raised her eyebrows in surprise at the guests on her porch. 

"aunt margaret!" exclaimed eveline, her face lighting up with delight at the sight of her relative.

margaret greeted them with warm hugs, and ushered them inside.

the familiar scent of lavender enveloped them as they stepped into the cozy house. the living room was bathed in the soft glow of lamplight, casting gentle shadows on the furniture and framed photographs adorning the walls. 

as they followed margaret into the kitchen, the clinking of teacups and the soothing sound of water boiling on the stove filled the air.

"you two want any tea?" margaret asked, with her hands busy with the teapot and cups.

eveline looked to thomas for his response, and he shook his head.

"tea? no," he replied.

eveline's aunt responded with a smile, "got some rum, if you fancy."

thomas then changed his mind, replying, "actually, tea it is."

then, margaret's eyes flickered with curiosity as she stirred the tea.

"what brings you two round 'ere at this hour?" she asked.

eveline sank into the worn wooden chair at the kitchen table, her eyes fixed on her aunt as she poured out the tale of their recent upheaval. margaret listened intently as her expression shifted from surprise to understanding. she had been long aware of thomas's notorious reputation, so the news of them fleeing from the police didn't come as a shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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