Part Nine: Moon Seven

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Current Season: Leaf-fall
Clan age: 7 moons

- This has hereby been removed because it conflicts with writing in the other boxes.

- Lowtooth gives Yarrowpaw a friendly nudge when the leader calls the young cat's name. They watch with pride as Yarrowpaw steps up to receive their new name, Yarrowdrop, and are honored for their dedication.

- N/A

- Yarrowdrop bristles after being scolded by Pricklefleck. (High negative effect)
- Parsleyskitter thinks the prey Yarrowdrop is biting into on the other side of camp looks delicious. (Medium negative effect)
- Parsleyskitter thinks Rosystep was nice to them today. (Low positive effect)
- Rosystep gives Lowtooth some feathers from the bird they caught to line their nest. (Medium positive effect)
- Rosystep thinks that Lowtooth isn't so bad after all. (High positive effect)
- Lowtooth thinks Yarrowdrop is very helpful! (Low positive effect)
- Ripplestar is giving Weaselwhisker a task. (Neutral effect)
- Ripplestar thinks about how lucky they are to have someone like Patience as a friend. (High positive effect)
- Riverdapple appreciates Weaselwhisker telling them that they had a feather stuck to their face. (Low positive effect)
- Riverdapple is complaining that Patience never does anything helpful. (High negative effect)
- Whitecall thinks Ripplestar was nice to them today. (Low positive effect)
- Whitecall wants to explore the whole territory with Rosystep! (Medium positive effect)
- Pricklefleck and Weaselwhisker heckled another Clan at the gathering together. (High positive effect)
- Pricklefleck settles near Parsleyskitter to eat their fresh-kill. (Medium positive effect)
- Rainnewt admires Lowtooth's dedication. (Medium positive effect)
- Rainnewt said they'd cover for Halfpelt, but when it came time, they got Halfpelt in trouble. (Medium negative effect)
- Weaselwhisker enjoys the time with Lowtooth and feels secure. (High positive effect)
- Weaselwhisker appreciates how Halfpelt always seems to ask how they're doing. (High positive effect)
- Patience and Pricklefleck joke around about how bad the other Clans smell. (High positive effect)
- Halfpelt lifts their chin up while passing by Parsleyskitter. (Neutral effect)

- Yarrowpaw is glad that their stomachache is finally gone
- Pricklefleck has collected quite a lot of ticks in their pelt, and grumbles about the itchy bites dotted through their pelt.

- N/A

- Rosystep was seen talking calmly to a loner, before both cats went their separate ways.

Ripplestar is thinking about battle strategies. (78 moons old)
Rainnewt saw a kittypet with the fluffiest fur imaginable today. (72 moons old)
Riverdapple wants to get to know Patience better. (122 moons old)
Parsleyskitter thinks that they could take on a dog solo. (107 moons old)
Weaselwhisker saw a pair of Twolegs near camp today! (102 moons old)
Lowtooth is playing a prank on Riverdapple. (88 moons old)
Patience thinks Rainnewt is doing a terrible as deputy. (34 moons old)
Halfpelt is thankful for the safety of the camp. (27 moons old)
Rosystep is chattering at the birds in the trees above. (20 moons old)
Yarrowdrop saw a Twoleg kit playing with a kittypet. (14 moons old)
Pricklefleck is predicting rainy weather based on their aching bones. (155 moons old)
Whitecall got startled by a squirrel. (132 moons old)

- Weaselwhisker has developed romantic feelings for Lowtooth.
- Lowtooth is now platonically in love with Rosystep.
- Lowtooth has developed romantic feelings for Weaselwhisker. Their feelings are now mutual. Weaselwhisker has confessed his feelings for Lowtooth. She accepted his confession. The two have now become mates.
- Whitecall is now platonically in love with Rosystep.
- Patience, Lowtooth, and Parsleyskitter went on a patrol and brought back a medium amount of prey. They also gathered some moss for new bedding. Patience went out of his way to gather juniper berries and catmint for Riverdapple.

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