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Chapter 1

Beth had just been dealing with her divorce meetings all week with Dean who decided his life with his new 24-year-old secretary was more important than his kids he gave up his rights quick once he realised how much child payments would be, and they both decided putting the house on the market to go their separate ways quickly. Moving away from this house and its memories starting fresh in California where Annie was moving to be with Ben while Nancy and Greg opened a clinic spa in California.

Beth had put aside in some of funny money away in her roof, when Rio had left her the kingdom she had this hidden if anything was to go down south she needed a backup plan $100,000 in funny money to start over and just discovering she had missed her period after 2 months unnoticed after having constant headaches and nausea for the past three weeks she thought it was from being burnt out and catching a bug from the kids, till it finally clocked this is how all her pregnancies started decided to take the test on a whim looking down at the stick two bright pink lines "pregnant" straight away everything was collapsing around her in disbelief she just needed to escape.

Calling Rhea for a girl's night out earlier in the day for dinner without the judgement of Ruby and Annie as to why she was even reaching out to Rios ex and building a relationship, it was because Beth felt so consumed with guilt, killing Marcus's dad and taking him away from ever seeing him grow up. Now she was growing Rio's baby this baby would never meet its father, it killed her inside but at least the baby could have a relationship with Marcus she thought.

Soon as Beth was in the bar, she just knew something wasn't right her gut was telling her just head home and bail, but it was too late. The air was heavy soon as he sat down, seeing him right in front of her when she thought she had killed him, but he was here alive and breathing! Beth was so shocked all she could do was hold her breath, in her head she was thinking "Shit! I'm going to die, and he will never know I'm pregnant with his child".

Beth just felt fear of the unknown and couldn't hold it anymore seeing the bullets in front of her it pained her so much but her fear of being killed tonight took over and she couldn't stop herself.
"I'm pregnant".

Rio's faced just dropped in disbelief.

Rio's Pov: In his head he was thinking "this is bullshit and she's only saying this keep herself alive" he always felt Elizabeth was always selfish and never ever thought about the implications Rio had to deal with when Elizabeth and her girls got him arrested from the FBI, her rotten eggs, and her dumb husband. Now this! He looked at her bright blue eyes she looked so petrified, looked down at her belly, even if she was, she wasn't showing yet.

He just walked out, and his mind was racing.

Jumping in his G-wagon hands gripped tight on the steering wheel holding on so tight his knuckles were white. He was trying to think was it his ? or Car mans for all he knew they were living under the same roof. There's no way it was his, but he remembered he never were a condom with her the two times they were together, he was strict with everything but with her, everything was blurred.

If she was, she would be no more than 3 months but when he was last with her, it was in her bedroom when she dropped cash on her bedside table, like I was a prostitute for his service. It was bringing back the memories of their first kiss the passion that he felt, remembering how intense it was he never felt that before with anyone not even Rhea even though they were together for 3 years on and off from him touching her body and feeling her soft body with all her curves and her full tits that fit his hands perfectly. That day together was full of passion and lust and how he felt deep down inside like it felt right and meant to be but now all he could see was anger. He needed to know if she was truthful or trying to pull the wool over his eyes.
Rio Called mick on the way home

"Make a ob. gyn appointment for me needs to be for tomorrow asap".
"Ok boss, Allgood how did tonight go?"
"ah man, the bitch says she's pregnant" "oh shit, I'll let you know details night boss"

10 mins later his phone lit up the message read
Mick: 10:30am with Dr Ridges

He was back at his new loft he went straight to bed and shut everything out. The push of a button the blackout blinds went down blocking out the city night life and sounds of the city he just needed to sleep his problem away till tomorrow and deal with it till then.

Beths pov: I had so much to do before picking up the kids from school and cleaning the house from all the morning mess, getting the groceries. On the top of the list was her latest pregnancy craving strawberry ice-cream. This pregnancy was wearing her out so much more now 37 years old and soon to be divorced, 4 kids and one on the way. This pregnancy was different. Was it because it was his she didn't know but her energy levels dropped she barely felt like eating without throwing up and if she did feel like anything it wasn't enough to sustain her.

As I was walking back to the house all I was thinking was to put these groceries down and run for the toilet she was feeling sick about last night but also her pregnancy symptom wasn't easing up. Beth didn't know how far along she was, but she thought maybe 10 weeks going back with her last period date.

Then she heard his deep mysterious voice:

'hey now"
She turned, he looked so good he always did tall dark well dressed and the way he stood so confident against his car.

"How you feeling mama".
"let's go for a drive ...... get some air".
"I should get these inside, there's ice cream"
"get in the care Elizabeth !"

The drive was silent just little music on the radio 20 minutes later they arrived at a Clinic. Beth's mind was racing she hadn't had time to even book for an appointment for herself and it ends up being the first appointment was with him. She didn't want him here she was so angry but felt like sliding under a rock and hiding.

Staring at the ceiling as the Dr Ridges repeated information on the form when her last period was, did she know how far along she was. Honestly, she tried to not even think about this pregnancy even though this was a blessing. When she found out she felt sad at first but happy because she felt deep down no one would be happy with her situation. Ruby and Annie, she could just picture their faces but how would her kids feel not having the same dad would it be different.

Beth could feel his eyes on her the whole time, as her legs were up and waiting for the doctor to put the probe in to see the baby ......silence.

The doctor turned the screen around to show Beth and Rio, there it was a baby. The heart flickering so fast, the doctor put the heartbeat sound on so they could hear it.

Whop whopp whoppp whopp whopop whoppp .......

The doctor said she was measuring just over 10 weeks pregnant, but baby was sitting quite high but to come back for more scans in 2 weeks for a more in depth scan.

Slight watery eyes, Rio was dumbfounded she wasn't lying... he needed air all he could say was "paternity test" doctor said we can do that in few more months.

They sat in the G- wagon in silence she felt relief the baby was ok but now her concerns were Rio about the baby did he want it? does he know its his? How is he feeling? She could never read him, so she just said.

"it's yours, me and dean haven't for a long time" he just smirked "pftttt sure".
"it's yours I don't need a paternity test to tell me I know just trust me for once".
"that's rich coming from you! All you do it lie to save yourself just save us the hassle darling and do the paternity test!"

his knuckles tight on the steering wheel looking straight ahead no emotion on his face.

"I'm not doing it FUCK YOU! I'm done" they pulled up to Beth's house suddenly stopping.
"don't ever contact me again unless you want to be a part of our lives!"

Rio was seething with anger and drove off so fast she barely had her two feet on the ground before he took off.

Beth was so angry, as she was walking back into the house tired and exhausted, she wanted to be gone from this place, she rang the realtor to let her know she wanted to sell ASAP she wanted to be gone from this place forever.

One week had past Beth had not heard from Rio.

The realtor let her know 5 days later there was family interested they wanted to move as soon as possible in two weeks, cash, and quick settlement. Beth and Dean both agreed they both wanted to move on, and it was in their best interest to sell quickly for an all-cash offer.

Beth had no time to go back to see the Doctor for her follow up appointment she decided to wait till she was settled in California and have a new doctor there. Once everything was signed and they had everything official with the house sale she decided to sit down with Ruby and Annie and tell them she was pregnant, and Rio was alive. She needed their support more than ever.

Annie walked in first "what's up bitches" holding a bottle of cheap champagne.
Beth just looked at her and rolled her eyes.
"what's up your arse I brought this to celebrate you divorcing dean selling the house and moving with me to Cali".
Annie grabbed the glasses.
"None for me for now" Beth said

5 minutes later Ruby walked in with a box of donuts from her work, she looked tired walking in from just finishing her shift.

"Argh so over this, here help yourself leftovers might as well their still good I can't believe they chuck it in the bin what a waste, What's up B? what's the emergency Meeting?"

"Umm so the house is sold we move out in a week and ......ahhhhh ...... I really ...hmmmm "

"Just spit it out" Annie said.
"I'm Pregnant"

Annie and Ruby, their jaws dropped eyes wide open.

"there's no way, what? You went back to deansie?" Annie fake gagged as she said it.
"No! it's not deans! Its ummm .... Rio's"

Beth knew the faces that Ruby and Annie were going to pull when she told them the news. She wasn't at all surprised. Everyone was silent for a moment Ruby looked at Annie as Beth sobbed and cried hysterically, she never cried, it took them by surprise.

"there's another thing he's alive and knows about the baby but doesn't think it's his".
Their faces dropped in Disbelief.

As she sobbed "girls I'm going to need you more than ever with the move and when the baby comes" Beth crying again "I don't know how I'm going to survive this? 4 kids and a baby?"

Ruby and Annie hugged Beth looked at her and they both knew they would be there for her no matter what her decision was with the baby. "You are keeping it?" Ruby asked quietly Beth answered immediately with no doubt in her mind "I could never get rid of this blessing" as she rubbed her belly.

"How far along are you now?" Annie asked.

"10 weeks"
"we're here for you no matter what b" Ruby said.
"hate you" "hate your face" Beth Smiled back at Ruby

As the night went on, they discussed how it become to be with Rio and Beth relationship now. Beth letting them know when to come over to help pack up the house with her so she could start fresh and leave this mess behind her. Beth wanted to tell the kids, but she wanted to wait till she was in California to tell the kids about the baby she didn't want to upset them more since the divorce, leaving the house they first grew up in, them moving to a new state its was a lot so she wanted to get them settled before telling them.

One week past, still nothing from Rio

Beth had everything packed in the house ready to be sent with the removalist She had a house she found a quint three -bedroom house with a bungalow not the biggest but it was affordable, Annie was going to rent the bungalow from Beth to help her out with the kids and keep the cost down for their rent, and close to school for kids. Dean and Beth were finally officially divorced she felt relived but sad she didn't leave earlier.

So exhausted from packing and the endless pregnancy symptoms, it didn't relent she thought after the first trimester surely it should ease up by now, she felt like she didn't have time to breathe but it's one step closer to a new start.

Annie and Beth were at the Airport saying their last goodbyes to Ruby Stan and the kids, Dean with his goofy smile with his arm around his newfound love Stacey ditsy as ever. All the kids cried waving goodbye, but they were so excited to get on the plane.
Beth never reached out to Rio nor did Rio, so she left with no second thought she was done! Time for her start her new beginning time for her to be a boss as bitch.

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