Chapter 13

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Something unimaginable happened on the Starfleet bridge of an Imperial cruiser with unrivaled technology. The radio signals intercepted by the receivers were incredibly strange and unusual. They penetrated through the time vortexes like messages from the past or the future, disrupting the normal order of things.

Captain Jonathan set out to solve the mystery, but most of the signals turned out to be noise that could not be analyzed. Despite the failure, however, the event left an indelible mark on history.

Jonathan woke up, disturbed by the strange dream that had been plaguing him lately. In it, he was once again a captain, leading a ship through the vastness of space. But since his retirement for health reasons, everything had changed.

After the war with the Erotrians, during which Jonathan used a banned weapon, he was stripped of his rank and sent into retirement. He had hoped for a medal of valor and hero's honor, but instead received a medical discharge. His methods, though victorious, were too radical and dangerous.

Now he was dreaming about the past, about the war, about his crime. But what were those mysterious radio signals coming through the time vortices? They seemed to be some kind of clue, some kind of key to the answers he sought. And those answers seemed to concern not only his fate, but the fate of all mankind.

Fear and terror reigned in the darkness of the Meta lab when the rapid transference experiment caused an unexpected side reaction. A powerful tachyon burst shattered the employees into atoms, then reassembled them as dust. "Damn it, that experiment almost killed us all!" exclaimed one of those safe behind the doors. - exclaimed one of those safely behind the door.The door, made of an alien material, was brought to the lab after a major incident when a piece of it broke off from the central station and fell to Earth. This event became known as the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in Earth's timeline.The meteorite was split between the Meta lab and Area 42 and was studied extensively by both organizations.The Meta lab was primarily concerned with Earth-based research while Area 42 was concerned with interactions with alien life forms.The door had been installed on the curator's orders long ago, but it wasn't until the explosion that it became clear why it was so important. The powerful release of tachyons and the subsequent explosion turned the humans into energy, then decomposed them into atoms to then reassemble them back into a shield. However, the door could not withstand this onslaught and was destroyed.Apparently, the head of Meta Labs already knew about the incident, but whether it was self-inflicted remained a mystery.

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