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Third person p.o.v

After spending a small time having a quick discussion about future plans with the other groups, they'd all returned to their bases to prep for these plans whilst also seeing to their wounded.

Skz didn't waste time in getting back to the mansion. On the way Minho had done some temporary medical work on Seungmin, just to keep it clean until he could see to his shoulder properly back at home. Otherwise the members remained quiet, too caught up in worrying about Alex, though none more so than Chan. It was taking all of his willpower not to lose his mind, and instead he tried to focus on what to do first to find Alex and get her back.

When they finally arrived at the mansion, though, they could instantly tell that some kind of commotion had happened. There were a number of guards outside the actual building, looking tense and alert.

"What's going on?" Felix murmured, his brows furrowing.

As soon as the van stopped, Chan was out of the vehicle and walking straight up to the boss of the guards.

"What happened?" he demanded instantly; he was in no mood for any more bullshit.

"Intruders," the guard replied. "They were trying to sneak into the mansion itself when they were found, they instantly fired on us when they realised they'd been found." The guard's expression soured. "We lost a few men, but we managed to capture one of theirs."

"Could you tell who they were?" Chan asked sharply. "What they were doing here?"

"No, they were masked," the guard answered bitterly. "And in all black clothing, nothing distinguishable about them. And they'd surrounded the building so no telling what they were trying to do or where they were trying to go."

"You said you captured one of them?" Chan asked, and the guard nodded. "What happened to the rest?"

"They fled," the guard answered, but then frowned in confusion. "It wasn't a long fight, after five minutes they seemed to suddenly up and leave."

"Like they'd been summoned elsewhere?" Chan asked, a horrible sinking feeling spreading through him as the guard nodded. "Dammit!"

"You think it could be Nct?" Changbin asked Chan; he'd remained with his leader whilst the rest had gone inside as Minho treated Seungmin's wound.

"As much as I don't want it to be," Chan said, frustration lacing his voice. He looked at the guard. "Where's the one you captured?"

The guard whistled loudly, and two guards emerged from around the corner, dragging an individual with black clothing, but his face was exposed.

"I already removed his mask to see if we could recognise him," the guard boss said as they stopped in front of the Skz leader, forcing the individual to his knees. "But he doesn't look familiar to any of us. He got shot in the leg, he wasn't able to get far before we captured him."

Chan peered at the guy, trying to see if he could recognise him at all, but the features were all unfamiliar to him. This was enough for him to deduce that this person wasn't a main member of any group, and most likely a henchman. To be sure, Chan looked at Changbin questioningly, but the latter just shook his head; he didn't know either.

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