Chapter 1

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After everyone woke up and breakfast was being served, Four and Two started arguing again because Four was still mad about Two taking Four's contestants and eliminating Clock, X was trying to stop the argument but it wasn't working as Burger King was talking about how amazing Burger King was as Oodle and Bone talked. Printer, Computer, and Smore were all suffering from a hangover after having way too many drinks last night as Honey got them water from the kitchen as Cobbs watched her from afar, "You guys ok?" Asked Honey a she saw Printer down the water as Smore and Computer looked at each other as Printer glared at her making Honey stop talking as she handed Smore and Computer a cup of water each as she left, tears streaming down her face as Cobbs walked over to her sitting her down at a table as he handed her a glass of water, Smore watching the two afar, sensing something off with how they were acting towards eachother, like they'd inow eachother for years but, they had just met yesterday... or was he wrong, and they had talked the night before during the party? He didn't know but decided to leave it alone as Printer and Computer were arguing about something again. After breakfast, Honey went to her room and laid down, writing something down in her
diary before Cobbs knocked on her door, "Can I come in?" He asked as Honey responded, "Yep." Cobbs walked in and closed the door behind him, Smore saw this and tried to eavsdrop but couldn't hear anything, so he decided to leave the situation alone entirely. When Cobbs left, Honey was sitting on her bed, reading the note Cobbs gave her before sighing frustratingly, as she decided to take a nap.

3 hours later,

It was time for lunch, and Smore went to go wake up Honey. As he knocked on her door, he heard crying sounds as he opened the door though, he saw Honey crying with her hands over her face, looking down at a photo of her and her twin sister Hot Honey, "Honey? Are you alright?" Asked Smore as Honey looked up at him, nodding as she wiped her tears, "Yeah, I'm fine..." she said, "Well, lunch is ready if you wanna come down and eat." Said Smore as he left without letting her answer. Honey went downstairs 10 minutes later and got her own food and went to go sit by Printer, Computer, and Smore, but they all glared at her, but still she sat down but didn't look at either of them as she ate. Cobbs watched as Printer kept glaring at Honey, making her leave the table but wa sinvited over to sit with Four, X, and Two. As the 4 of them talked, Cobbs made mental notes of everyone in the cafeteria, which Honey seemingly noticed but didn't comment on as she continued talking about BFDI with Four, X, and Two. After lunch, X and Honey were hanging out in X and Four's room, Honey noticed a picture of Four and X hugging eachother and smiled, seeing how happy they were together as she also noticed that X had a Four plush and X had a Four plush. While they were talking, she heard a knock on the door. When X opened it, he saw Four standing there with a smile on his face, "Foury!" Exclaimed X as he hugged Four. Four kissed X's forehead as Honey slipped past him, smiling at Four as she left. Honey went back to he room and noticed something was off. She looked at Printer and Computers' door, and she listened in to hear Printer and Computer talking about her, "Ugh, why did we have to bring Honey? She's so annoying." "Yeah I wish we could have just brought Smore with is and left Honey to deal with the contestants." "Plus we have to stay here for a MONTH with HER!" Exclaimed Printer as the two continued talking. Honey felt tears streaming down her face as she ran back to he room. As she slammed the door, she laid down on her bed, sobbing as she started to fall asleep. Cobbs listened to Honey cry as he heard Printer and Computer laughing. He sighed as he realized it was time for dinner but decided to let Honey rest.

3 hours later

When Honey woke up, she went downstairs and saw Crayon Box talking to her crayon co-hosts, MePhone talking to Two, and Four, and X talking to each other. Printer, Computer, and Smore were in their room while Oodle and Bpne were teaching Burger King how to cook. Cobbs saw Honey walking downstairs, her eyes red from crying as she went over to a table, sniffling as she rubbed her eyes. A robot server of Meeple Co. handed her a plate of food as she began eating. The robot server then handed her a cup of warm tea as she smiled, seeing the note attached saying, 'You'll bee ok!' With a little bee drawing under it. She giggled as she drank the tea, Cobbs smiled as he walked over to her table and started talking to her. After dinner ended, Honey heard her name being called and turned around to see Bone, "Hey, I just wanted to meet you! I never got the chance to introduce myself because of Printer and the others." He said with an awkward smile as Honey smiled. The two started talking and walking to their rooms as Honey waved Bone goodbye as he ran to Oodles' room and went inside. Honey's smile faded a bit as she remembered what Printer and Computer said about her. She sighed as she laid down on her bed as she opened her diary and started writing something.

2 hours later

Smore woke up to voices coming from Honeys room. He recognized Cobbs and Honeys' voices as he walked over. He heard Honey say something along the lines of 'Yeah, they did say that, but I don't think...' as she was interrupted by Cobbs but he couldn't understand what they were saying and decided to just go back to bed.

Well, that was that. Sorry for the late upload. I have been working on other chapters, and I have been putting this off for a while so I decided to finish this chapter, "The Planetary War" and the other Solarballs story will get new chapters later today have a wonderful day/night!

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