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Blue Rider's POV:
"I'm about get bombarded with questions aren't I!" I think looking at the confusion of the group of girls that had consumed their faces. "I know that they only think of his books about the Kingdom of Fantasy as fictional books with himself as the main character. He never wanted them to worry about his safety at all!" I continue in my thoughts. "Where do you come from Blue Rider?" Pamela asked first to say anything. "The Kingdom of Fantasy!" I answered quickly. "How long have you known Geronimo?" Colette asked after my answer. "A little under a year now!" I answered a little slower thinking over the timespan. "His books aren't fiction are they they're actual events that happened?" Thea asked look at one of his books. "Yes basically he changed small details. He didn't want his family and friends to worry about him so he let you believe it was fiction!" I say trying to console her. "That sounds like Geronimo!" She says looking up at me. "So the Wither that took him was the one of the books!" Nicky asked in a statement. "Yes." I answered. "Um why are you here?" Violet and Paulina asked in unison. "Answer your six's questions and ask if you all want to help us find sir Geronimo!" I answered give them a side glance since they where in the corner. "Please!" Thea answered. "Helping Thea find her brother would be great!" The Thea sisters added. "Then follow me, Jess the Jewelled dragon and the Dragon of Rainbow are waiting in cave on the outskirts on the orders of Queen Bloom!" I say bowing then heading to the door.

Geronimo Stilton x Thea Stilton: Thea's First Trip to the Kingdom of FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now