chapter two

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Sofia van Camp

5 minutes and 47 seconds. That was how long Sainz needed to be downstairs where I was waiting for him. And when he arrived his hair were still messy and you could see from a mile that he had been making out with someone the moment before.

"Really? First press conference and you look like this?" I asked annoyed but started walking the moment he stepped next to me.

"You're just jealous." the Spaniard returned and shrugged his shoulder, but my jaw dropped.

"Of your girlfriend? Ha, never, I wouldn't stand you for longer than ten minutes so please, don't imagine anything." I snapped back as we were walking over to the media center.

"Oh your voice tells me that you are definitely jealous." Sainz grinned and I felt all the anger shooting up, "But probably you're just not satisfied enough as I haven't seen your boyfriend around, so I guess you haven't seen his Spanish dick for a while."

"I have a Spanish asshole right next to me, so I think I'm fine." I huffed back and was glad as we arrived at the media center, before Sainz could extend this conversation.

Luckily we weren't the first to arrive, a all to familiar Brit strolled over to us the moment we entered the room.

"Hey Sofia, so nice to see you again." Lando welcomed me with a hug, "Now working for the champion, I see, hope you have fun."

"Yeah, thanks Lando." I returned with a smile before the Brit greeted his former team mate.

I really had to hide a big grin as I saw Sainz's confused face and look between me and Lando.

"Where do you know her from?" he therefore asked his friend, who laughed at us.

"Mate, she's like Max's little sister and I know her since I know Max so pretty long now." the Brit started explaining, "We even went together on holiday, Max, Kelly, Sophia, Ra"

"Yeah that was great." I interrupted him, not wanting Sainz to know too much about me, my life and my past, cause it would only give him more things of which he could make fun of.

Lando still gave me a confused look, but luckily the interviewer called them over and so I didn't have to explain myself.

"Maybe we can grab a coffee later?" the Brit asked as he walked over, which I returned with a thumb up.

The next half an hour was filled with question and answers and it was pretty interesting to see how everything worked and what I needed to know for my next times, when I would accompany Max and not him.

The moment the press conference was over and we set a foot into the paddock again, I excused myself and jogged back to the RedBull hospitality, grabbing Max because his interviews would start soon.

"Hey Sofi, had a nice first press conference?" he instantly asked me on our way out of the garage.

"It wasn't with you so I doesn't really count." I returned and we laughed.

"Yeah, but Carlos isn't so bad so I'm pretty sure it was fun though."

I started laughing sarcastically as he said that and Max just shook his head at that. He knew how much I hated Sainz even though he never really understood why although I had explained it over a hundred times to him.

"I still don't understand why you guys hate each other." the Dutch said confused, but had to grin.

"Max, look, again, he's such an arrogant, impulsive and annoying person. He thinks he's better because he's a formula one driver and he comes from Ferrari, he can't walk pass a pretty girl without flirting with her, even if it's just some waitress or security, because he thinks every woman wants him."

"Many F1 driver are like this." Max simply returned and shrugged his shoulders.

"You mean yourself?" I asked, laughing because we both knew that he wasn't like that as he was happy with Kelly and P and even before that he never really bothered about the fame and all the female fans that came with it.

"Except myself of course." the Dutch laughed, "So that doesn't really is an argument for you hate towards Carlos."

"Well, he's Spanish, racing driver and don't give a fuck about the feelings of a woman." I returned, slowly getting more quiet at the end.

Immediately Max's smile disappeard and he laid his arm around my shoulder.

"Right, I am sorry that I brought this up." he quickly said and pulled me closer, "And maybe you're right he's sometimes annoying and too full of himself."

"Thanks Maxi." I whispered as I was pretty sure that he had just said that to make me feel better, because normally he liked Sainz and was also getting along with him pretty well.

To be honest Max also didn't care much as for him it didn't really matter who his team partner was, was was winning anyways so that doesn't change even now with the Spaniard by his side. We then reached the media panel and I quickly took out my phone and little notebook.

Max luckily had tole me a lot of what I had to do and how this would work so it was way more relaxed that I had thought. I just needed to navigate him from interviewer to interviewer, recording the stuff he said.

I also had to make sure that he wasn't talking too much and that the questions were not to direct, this is were my education and stuff really helped, also the work I had done over the winter break, preparing myself the best I could.

It was over pretty quickly and as Max needed to be at the garage we split our ways in the paddock, as I wanted to go back to my office, working on some press statements and also prepare the next interviews.

With a little smile on my lips I entered my office as the day was really getting better and it was really fun working with Max and also the whole team, except one person.

"Sainz!" I shouted as I stepped around my desk and saw the laptop case with my laptop in it.

The normally pure dark blue case was now decorated by a white number 55 and Sainz's signature. He had been here, in my office, probably taking revenge of me interrupting his steamy session in his room.

He didn't know by now, but he had just started something and I was not gonna let that stay, he would have to pay for that, that's for sure. But it was only the first race weekend, the first day, of the season so I would take me time.

But hell, I could just rip his head of right now.

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