IDK what to call this

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Andi sat in the back of the classroom, her leather jacket draped over the chair, her legs stretched out in front of her. She was the epitome of coolness, with her short, tousled hair and confident demeanor. As the teacher droned on about historical dates and events, Andi's mind wandered to the girl sitting two rows ahead of her: Y/n.

Y/n was everything Andi wasn't. She was soft-spoken, with gentle eyes and a smile that could light up the room. Her long hair cascaded down her back in waves, and she always wore floral dresses that seemed to complement her delicate nature perfectly.

Despite their differences, Andi found herself drawn to Y/n in a way she couldn't explain. She admired the way Y/n carried herself with such grace and kindness, and she longed to get to know her better.

It wasn't until a group project brought them together that Andi got the chance to truly interact with Y/n. As they worked on their assignment, Andi was struck by how easy it was to talk to Y/n, how she made Andi feel at ease with her gentle laughter and genuine interest in Andi's thoughts and opinions.

As they spent more time together, Andi found herself falling for Y/n in a way she never expected. She admired Y/n's sweetness and vulnerability, and she felt a fierce desire to protect her from the harshness of the world.

But Andi also struggled with her own feelings, unsure of how Y/n would react to her more masculine demeanor. She worried that Y/n would see her as too rough around the edges, too different from the girls Y/n was used to.

However, as they continued to grow closer, Andi realized that Y/n didn't see her as just a rough exterior. Instead, Y/n saw past the tough facade to the kind and caring person Andi was underneath.

Their relationship blossomed slowly, with stolen glances across the classroom and late-night conversations that stretched into the early hours of the morning. Andi found herself falling deeper in love with Y/n with each passing day, amazed by the way Y/n brought out the softer side of her that she never knew existed.

And Y/n, for her part, fell just as hard for Andi. She loved the way Andi made her feel safe and protected, how Andi's strength complemented her own gentleness. She admired Andi's confidence and independence, and she found herself drawn to Andi in a way she couldn't explain.

Their love was a quiet one, whispered words and tender touches shared in secret moments away from prying eyes. But it was also a fierce love, a love that defied expectations and stereotypes, a love that challenged them to be their truest selves.

And as they stood hand in hand, facing the world together, Andi knew that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything. For in each other's arms, they found a love that was as strong as it was tender, as fierce as it was gentle. And in each other, they found home.

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