Andi's audition

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3rd POV

Andi anxiously paced back and forth in the school auditorium, her heart beating rapidly as she waited for her audition to begin. She nervously tapped her drumsticks against her leg and tried to focus on her breathing, trying to calm herself down. This was her chance to impress the headteacher and her fellow music students, and she couldn't afford to mess it up.

Ever since she was a little girl, Andi had always loved playing the drums. Growing up, she spent most of her time practicing and perfecting her skills. And now, as a senior in a specialist school, EWS. She was determined to make a name for herself in the music world. But standing before the headteacher and her peers, Andi couldn't help but feel a little intimidated.

As she waited for her turn to audition, Andi's eyes were drawn to the front row, where the headteacher was sitting. Next to her was her girlfriend, Y/n. The two had been together for almost a year now, and Andi couldn't imagine going through this nerve-wracking experience without Y/n by her side. Y/n's presence always seemed to calm her down, and Andi was grateful for that.

Andi's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her name being called. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the stage. She sat down behind the drum set and took a moment to gather herself before she began to play. The music filled the auditorium, and Andi lost herself in the rhythm, her hands moving effortlessly across the drums.

As she played, Andi couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n, who was sitting next to the headteacher. Y/n had a smile on her face, her eyes filled with pride and love. It was then that Andi knew she could do this. She could play her heart out and impress everyone in the room, but most importantly, she could make Y/n proud.

Andi's audition came to an end, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The headteacher and her fellow students clapped enthusiastically, and Andi felt a wave of happiness wash over her. She couldn't wait to hear what the headteacher had to say about her performance.

In the meantime, Y/n had an idea. She quickly grabbed her phone and started recording Andi's performance. She wanted to capture this moment, not just for herself, but also for Andi. As the headteacher started to give her feedback on Andi's performance, Y/n couldn't help but cheer her on quietly, trying not to distract the others in the room.

When the headteacher finished speaking, Y/n stood up and walked over to Andi backstage. Andi was still catching her breath, and the smile on her face was priceless when she saw Y/n standing there with her phone in hand.

"Did you record me?" Andi asked, her cheeks flush with excitement.

"Of course I did!" Y/n exclaimed, pressing play on the recording. Andi watched their performance in awe, and as it ended, she couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. Y/n happily obliged, and soon the two were lost in each other's embrace, not caring who saw them.

As they were making out, Y/n couldn't help but climb onto Andi's lap, straddling her as she continued to kiss her passionately. They were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat, and as they pulled apart, they saw the headteacher standing there with a smile on her face.

"I have to say, that was quite a performance, Andi. But I should probably inform you that we frown upon any public displays of affection in this school," The headteacher said with a teasing tone.

Andi and Y/n couldn't help but laugh, and Y/n quickly got off Andi's lap and sat next to her, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"I apologize. I got a little carried away," Andi said, trying not to laugh.

"Apology accepted. I must say, you both make a lovely couple," The headteacher said before walking off, leaving Andi and Y/n to share a loving gaze.

As they walked out of the auditorium hand in hand, Andi couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/n's support and love. She knew that no matter what happened, she had Y/n by her side, and that was all she needed. And as they walked off into the sunset, Andi couldn't help but feel excited for what the future held for her and Y/n, both as a couple and as individuals pursuing their dreams.

Andi Agosti (short stories)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt