Story 5 (Part 1)

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"Hi captain".

"Hello to you "

"It's an honor to be in same flight with you. I've heard so much about you Sir, I hope to learn so much from you".

"Thank you Captain..."

"Jean but my friends call me Jay"

"Well Captain Jean it's a pleasure meeting you and flying this plane with you. It's always nice working with fresh minds"

"Thank you Captain"

"So let's get this baby started".

(Do whatever pilots do...blah blah blah blah)

"Like I said earlier it's an honor working with you Sir"

"Call me Liam,  Jean"

"Only if you call me Jay"

"Am I not too old to be your friend?"

"Huh... Confused 🤔"

"You said your friends call you Jay, right? Aren't I too old to be considered your friend?"

"If sexy is the new old, it's fine by me...*realizes she just messed up*...sorry I meant I like older men...*shit*...sorry...errmmm... Shirley is calling for me...bye Capt " ( runs away 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️)

Liam wondering what just happened. Funny thing is he's not that old but she's a rookie barely just graduated from  College of Aviation  at the top of her class and at a very young age at that 19...he was in his first year in university when she was born...nope he's not going to think much about it. He's a respected pilot with a good reputation and it's going to stay that way.
Liam has always been quiet, coolheaded and focused. He's a go-setter, go-getter  and a leader. He leads others follow, the only that is allowed to lead him is his head not his heart... being there and never going there. Right now he doesn't like the direction his head is going because his heart is leading it towards a certain 22 year old dancing without no care of the world , not minding the captivating and hungry looks she's getting from the crowd. Doesn't she have no regards for her profession? No shame at all? No self-respect? This is why you shouldn't allow children to leave the house without chaperones... Liam's mind was boiling with rage. He couldn't believe such a sweet girl he flew a 16hours flight with could be a thoughtless, cheap and attention seeking bitch yet looks so innocent so beautiful and fucking sexy with her spankable cheeks, plump lips, ass made like those of a goddess, skin shining like gold under the light, he wanted to ripped that tissue she called a gown that hides nothing from his soul...the way she moves those waist while looking directly at him without no shyness... the shyness he saw this afternoon were all gone what he was seeing now was a girl he was ready to fuck for the rest of the night and goddess be damn if he doesn't get out of there. He was angered...he came here for a drink or two to clear his mind, he should have probably stayed put in his room because this was becoming the worst decision ever made...and he's made a few mistakes in his lifetime...hmmm how did he get to Flirt 247 night club you might be wondering? Let's go back to 6 hours earlier ....

“Hey what was you and Williams talking about” inquired Shirley


Just "nothing"? Baby girl the whole world knows you have a Jupiter-sized crush on him. Come on , you didn't change your flight shift for "nothing"

Seriously Lee it was nothing...I just asked him to call me Jay like my friends do but he refused saying he's too old to be my he's forty or something.

The man is right though, he's definitely too old to be your friend, he's 16years older than you young lady, and besides he's going to be forty years ago in two years.

Hey, whose side you on? Two years is long enough for me to give birth to three of our kids and we will be left with six. Stop capping and tell me how to get my man

Four kids…says Shirley

What you talking about?

I mean you will be left with four kids, he has one already, remember?. Listen , everyone admires Williams , hell those girls at the back wanted a piece of him at one point in their career some still do. He has been through a lot to get to where he is today, he is one of the most focused dedicated persons I have ever seen, so lets focus on building your career instead of thinking about a guy old enough to be your dad, stop thinking about him filling you up with his kids and come over here and give me a hug, your mom will be so proud of you little eagle.
Until she finds out I’m fantasizing about a man I will definitely make mine. Don’t give me that look lee, I know Williams is my man, y’all are wrong, what I feel for him isn’t a mere crush, I admire him which is okay , but its deeper than that and no I ain’t capping okay, he the one for me and I would prove it to you and to him. Williams doesn’t know it yet but I am the one for him.
It's Captain Williams, put some respect to his name
Hey, why you get to call him Williams and I can’t?
For one, he’s your superior, crush aside.
He’s yours too… countered Jay
Secondly, we’ve been friends for almost a decade…don’t go interrupting me girl… we went to school together, got this job together, Williams is my friend but he definitely not yours. So shut up and go get me my dinner…
Yen yen  yen yen…always thinking about food
What you say?
Nothing…runs away
Hahahahhahahahahaha….I’m  calling ma
Tell her I love her.

*in the restaurant*
That would be 10.99…says the cashier
Okay, keep the change. *winks*
About leaving but turns back…hey…hi..


Great, Steve hi, *whispers* do you know any clubs that will be opened tonight?
Yeah, flirt247 but its out of town.
Hmmm… was thinking something closer ya know.
Okay there’s a couple of them yeah . Imma write the addresses for ya

I’m going out Lee, don’t go waiting for me
Didn’t plan on it *rolls eye*
*tongues out*
My ride is here….love you
I can’t say the same
*both laugh out loudly with jay blowing Lee a kiss before leaving the room*
SKATE AND ROLL was showing on the neon signage outside the building. It’s not bad considering it’s a skating night club but Jay wasn’t feeling the vibes guess because she can’t skate for shit. She heard some group of guys and ladies talking about going to a club just of town, asked if they mind her joining them, with no objection she left with them.
Jay has always been a risk taker whether is with her heart or body and soul. She is a free soul but an old wise one no wonder her mom calls her “little eagle”. She knew what she wanted and always went for its how she got to where she was today despite how young she was, she broke all odds graduating aviation college at 19 to be the youngest pilot in the country but that was three years ago, she has worked her ass off and put her shits together to not let anyone who believed in her down, those who mattered. Then why is she trying to throw her career away because of a crush, she knows deep down Liam is never going to give her a chance, his twin kids just completed sixteen last  month, she couldn’t go for their birthday but she sent gifts through Lee. Shit…she has never really thought about it, his kids are just six years younger than her….feck shit… she has never been this confused in her life, never had to give up something just because it didn’t seem right with others…this is becoming a more complicated feeling than she fecking bargained for. No Sherlock, she’s going to have fun tonight, feelings can wait. No Liam no feelings, no tomorrow, none of those its just going to be her, fun, vibes and tonight. She hopes this club brings her those.
We here Jay….says one of the guys
SHE could feel eyes on her, multiple eyes on her actually but one set her body on fire. She’s willing to give HIM the show of a lifetime. She can feel HIS self-control thinning out, HE’s having inner battle, she can read him in and out. She sees his emotions ; anger, rage, disdain and the ones he tries so much to hide…DESIRE AND LUST. His eyes shows it all. His body gives it out. He is entranced by her and she will obliged him tonight. So she sets her eyes on him too, this time leaving nothing behind. Two can play this game...


To be continued.....

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