+* Chapter One +*

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The Littlest Sunrise

The pre-dawn light cast an ethereal glow through the thin hospital curtains, barely illuminating the anxious tableau within. Michael, barely a teenager himself at eight, perched on the edge of a plastic chair, chewing his bottom lip. His gaze flickered between the blinking numbers on the digital clock – 4:17 AM – and the curtain, a flimsy barrier separating him from the unknown. Behind it, his parents were embarking on a grand adventure: the arrival of his little sibling.

At his side, C.C., all of three years old, sat clutching a stuffed bear, its brown fur well-worn from countless adventures. Unlike his usual boundless energy, he was uncharacteristically still, his big brown eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and worry. They hadn't spoken much, the weight of the unknown pressing down on both sets of small shoulders.

Suddenly, a piercing cry, clear and raw, pierced the tense silence. Michael flinched, nearly toppling off his chair. C.C.'s eyes widened comically, his bear forgotten on his lap. The cry was followed by a softer sound, a cooing murmur that promised comfort and a new beginning.

The curtain rustled open, revealing a weary but smiling nurse cradling a bundle swaddled in pink. "Congratulations," she said, her voice hushed, "It's a girl."

In her arms, her face still crumpled from her recent journey into the world, was the tiniest, most perfect human Michael had ever seen. Her tiny fingers, impossibly delicate, curled around the nurse's thumb.

His sister.

A wave of protectiveness washed over Michael. This fragile creature, barely bigger than his hand, was his responsibility now. He had to be strong, brave, the best big brother he could be. But a nagging worry tugged at him. How would C.C. handle it?

The nurse carefully brought the baby closer. His mother, her hair damp and clinging to her forehead, managed a tired smile. "Meet Elizabeth, Michael," she whispered.

Michael glanced at his father, who stood beside their mother, a single tear rolling down his cheek. Taking a deep breath, Michael reached out a tentative finger and gently touched Elizabeth's cheek. Her skin was impossibly soft, and she opened one startling blue eye, blinking at him with an unreadable expression.

Just then, C.C. piped up, his voice a hushed whisper mixed with awe. "Can I hold her?"

Michael looked down at his brother. C.C.'s lower lip trembled slightly, but his eyes burned with a bright curiosity. Michael smiled, the worry melting away. This new adventure, this little sister, would be for all of them.

He carefully shifted Elizabeth in the nurse's arms, making room for C.C. The nurse, her smile widening, helped guide C.C.'s small hands as they cradled the baby. Elizabeth, for her part, seemed content, her gaze flitting between her two brothers.

In that moment, staring at his siblings, a warmth bloomed in Michael's chest. A fierce, unwavering love that promised to stand by them both, through thick and thin. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, bathing the room in a soft golden light. For Michael and C.C., their world had shifted on its axis, and a new chapter had begun.

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