*+ Chapter Two +*

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The insistent beeping of the heart monitor woke me with a jolt. My eyes flew open, landing on Michael, slumped asleep in a plastic chair, his face streaked with fatigue. My heart ached for him, yet a surge of pride swelled within me. He'd been so worried all night, hovering by the curtain like a sentinel.

Beside him, C.C. looked like a tiny lost sock sprawled on the makeshift bed. Unlike his usual boundless energy, he was a picture of peaceful slumber, his thumb clutched in his mouth. A smile tugged at my lips. These next few days would be an adjustment for both of them.

The sterile white walls of the room seemed even brighter in the morning light. Yesterday's nervous anticipation had morphed into a quiet contentment. Finally, after months of waiting, my little family was complete.

A soft cooing drew my attention to the crib in the corner. Elizabeth, nestled in a cloud of white sheets, was stirring. Her tiny face, still crumpled from her journey into the world, broke into a yawn, revealing a perfect pink mouth. My heart melted.

"Good morning, my little sunrise," I whispered, reaching out to cradle her in my arms. Her skin was impossibly soft, and she nuzzled into my chest, her grip surprisingly strong for such a tiny person.

Suddenly, the bedroom door creaked open and Michael's head popped in. His eyes widened as they landed on me and Elizabeth. 

"Morning, Mom," he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. "Did you miss your little sister?"

A chuckle escaped my lips. "Not one bit," I replied, my gaze never leaving Elizabeth's face.

"Can we see her again?" chirped C.C., appearing at Michael's shoulder. His eyes, still blurry with sleep, shone with a bright curiosity.

I glanced at Michael, a silent question passing between us. He gave me a hesitant nod. This wasn't just my moment; it was theirs too.

"Of course, honey," I said, patting the edge of the bed. Together, they tiptoed closer, their faces filled with wonder. C.C., unable to reach over the side, stood on his tiptoes, his brown eyes meeting Elizabeth's startling blue ones.

As if on cue, Elizabeth broke into a gummy grin, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in the breeze escaping her lips. C.C.'s face lit up, a joyful giggle erupting from his small frame. He'd barely slept, yet in that moment, he seemed energized by pure, unadulterated joy.

"She smiled at me!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with an innocent wonder that tugged at my heartstrings.

Watching them together, a lump formed in my throat. This wasn't just Elizabeth's arrival; it was the beginning of a new chapter for all of us. Elizabeth, the littlest sunrise, had brought a new light into our lives, and together, we would navigate the exciting, messy journey that lay ahead. 
The sound of the door opening again drew my attention. William, his face etched with relief and exhaustion, entered the room. Relief washed over me; he'd been pacing the waiting area for hours.

"There you both are," he sighed, his voice hoarse. He walked towards the crib, his gaze lingering on Elizabeth's peaceful face. A gentle smile softened his features. "Hello, little one," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

Elizabeth stirred slightly, blinking her eyes open. William's smile widened, a flicker of amusement playing on his lips. "Seems we've woken the princess," he teased, earning a giggle from C.C.

"Can I hold her, Dad?" Michael asked, his voice filled with a nervous excitement. 

William chuckled. "Of course, son. Just be careful, she's delicate." He carefully lifted Elizabeth from my arms and handed her to Michael.

Michael cradled his sister close, his face radiating pride as he looked down at her. C.C., perched on a nearby stool, leaned in, his eyes wide with fascination.

"She's so tiny," he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

"She is, isn't she?" Michael replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But she's strong too, just like you."

C.C. puffed out his chest, a sense of pride blooming in his eyes. He may have been the younger brother, but he was determined to be a good one.

The morning unfolded in a peaceful blur. Nurses flitted in and out, checking on Elizabeth and me. William made a valiant attempt at breakfast, mostly for Michael and C.C.'s sake. The boys, wide-eyed and full of questions, bombarded him with stories of their own childhoods, eager to share their experiences with their new sibling. 

As the afternoon waned, Elizabeth started to show signs of fatigue. Her coos softened into whimpers, her tiny fists clenched and unclenched restlessly. Memories of sleepless nights with Michael and C.C. flooded back, and a wave of apprehension washed over me.

Sensing my growing worry, William placed a comforting hand on mine. "Don't worry, love," he murmured. "We'll figure it out together, just like we always do." 
He kissed me, and the children spluttered out an "Ewww!"

We were a team, and now, our team was one member stronger. Elizabeth, the littlest sunrise, had brought a new light into our lives.


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