COD Headcannons (If you were the one to take control. suggestive)

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Ghost: He isn't shocked when you push him around; he follows the orders you give him with a smirk. His hands will trail along your body in the promise of more after you get what you want.

Price: Easily listens to you without protest; he's amused by the way you grab him and turn him over. If you told him to kneel, he'd get down and lay his head against your thigh. He knows you like having power over him. 

Gaz: He finds it funny but settles himself against you when he sees you're serious. The look in his eyes tells you that he'd follow you to the end, especially when your grip tightens and his body melts from your touch. 

Soap: He likes causing a scene, trying to see how far you'd take it when trying to take control. In the end, he'll submit, but not without a little treat of his own. Whether that be a little rough play or getting handsy. 

Graves: It's definitely something that he isn't used to, but it doesn't mean that he hates it, in fast he actually loves it. He lets you take the reins, even going as far as to let you step on him. So, what if he liked being humiliated? 

Alejandro: He's a bit hesitant but when you're so adamant, he'll let you pull him along like he's a pet. He might protest at being seen as someone on a leash but when you give him a look, he only bows his head in defeat with a smile on his face. 

Rudy: He didn't know that he liked it a bit more rough, and when you had him pinned down, he folded. He admittedly said he'd want to try it. He could keep doing this if it meant he could see the look on your face. 

Alex: The sudden boldness throws him off, but he starts to like it, going as far as to let you call him whatever you want, he's open to both degrading and praising remarks. He's incredibly honest with what he likes. 

Valeria: You try your hardest to catch her off guard even trying to attack her with the intention of at least pinning her. You only end up against the wall with her arms around you, she knows the game you want to play but it won't be by your rules. 

Konig: He's flustered at the thought you would take control of him; he'd playfully fight back before realizing that you intended to get him on the ground. After that, he obeys you sweetly staring up. 

Keegan: He knew what you were going to do even before you did it. When you approach him, he's ready for you and asks what you need him to do. He doesn't mind a little wrestling when you try to beat him at his own game. 

Makarov: You've tried it before and each time, he's the one in control. You've begged him for a chance and when he finally lets you get on top, maybe it's not so bad when you tower over him. 

The creator is azyxo on Tiktok. They also have with the same username, so please check them out. They have wonderful bots. 

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