Forbidden Fruit

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Silence, bells rang, loud, vibrant, expressive, though silent it remained.
Silent screams, throbbed in my head.
Lies were told, truth was erased, devoured in their favored feast.
Digesting, excreting when no longer of use.

In sewage I lay, waste on my once-clean skin, a stain on its purity.
Even as I begged, it mattered not; my clean skin was erased.
A decade on, I still remembered, but it mattered not;
You had already sold my clean skin, tainted it with disease, bacteria, a desecration of its purity.

You poured me into the gravel, discarded in the wilderness to decay,
Unwelcome in the city where loud souls frolic.
Yet in emptiness, I found serenity; in solitude and fear, strength and courage;
In acceptance, an understanding that none would fathom the silence I had heard.

Thankfully, the sunshine beamed like a bride on her wedding day, bright when children played.
The moon's light shone brightest in darkness, elusive when light was no longer sought.
Solemn Plight.
But joy lurked within the folds of night, solitary yet a forbidden fruit in sudden adversity.

Enlightened then, for darkness had granted understanding, polished and gleaming.
So, through the night I persevered, awaiting the dawn of a brighter day.

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