Chapter 8

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Vivaan's POV

As I settled into the seat reserved for the soon-to-be bride and groom, adorned in a resplendent blue kurta intricately embellished with stunning details, anticipation coursed through my veins. My gaze eagerly awaited her descent down the stairs, draped in her enchanting blue lehenga. With each step she took, a wave of indescribable emotion swept over me, igniting a yearning to hold her close, to never let her slip from my grasp.

As the festivities began, my focus remained solely on her, oblivious to the bustling surroundings. Every glance, every movement she made, held me captivated. Her voice broke through my reverie, playfully chiding me for my unabashed admiration. "Stop gawking at me! Rana sa, I know I am looking gorgeous but don't need to stare at me like a creep," she teased. "Creep? Literally?" I replied, unable to resist bantering with her, even in the midst of such overwhelming emotion. She simply shrugged off my retort, her smile lighting up the room.

Her presence was nothing short of mesmerizing, each feature a testament to her unparalleled beauty. Yet, it was her eyes that truly captivated me. Deep, brown orbs, reminiscent of the vast expanse of the ocean, held a depth and allure that seemed to draw me in inexorably. In her gaze, I found solace, a longing to be the sole occupant of her world. Was this what love felt like? I couldn't be certain, but if it was, then it was the most exquisite sensation I had ever experienced.

After some time, we exchanged rings and placed them on each other's fingers, officially sealing our engagement. The evening continued with dance performances and other festivities, though I must admit, I wasn't fully present for much of it. As the night unfolded, my fiancée retired to her room, and I made my way to mine. We were all staying at a luxurious hotel, adding an air of extravagance to the occasion. It was decided that Udaipur would be the perfect setting for our wedding, a city I've always held dear.

Unable to find sleep, a common occurrence due to my insomnia, I decided to seek solace on the terrace. As I ascended the stairs, I overheard the sound of a woman's voice. It was unmistakably Preeti's, though her tone was anything but sweet. It was filled with a fierce intensity that piqued my curiosity, despite my hesitation to eavesdrop.

"What do you want from me? How do you know that I am marrying him for his power? If you dare to cross me, I swear I'll hunt you down and make you pay with your life! I'll personally ensure your demise, leaving nothing but ashes in your wake!"

Her words struck me like a thunderbolt. Why was she so enraged? And why did she mention marrying me for power? The realization hit me like a ton of bricks-I felt betrayed, a sensation I detested with every fiber of my being. The thought of being used by her filled me with a toxic blend of anger and heartache.

Suddenly, I was jolted by the sound of something breaking. Glancing up, I witnessed her hurling her phone to the ground in a fit of rage. Her face was contorted with anger, her eyes ablaze with fury. "Preeti," I murmured softly, though my voice barely rose above a whisper, she heard me. Turning towards me, her expression shifted from fierce determination to one of confusion and doubt. It was evident she was questioning whether I had overheard her outburst.

"Rana sa?" Her voice, usually so soothing to my ears, retained its gentle timbre. I struggled against the conflicting emotions within me. She was clearly exploiting my power, and logically, I should despise her for it. If it were anyone else in her place, they might not have been spared my wrath.

Yet, despite the pain gnawing at my chest, I couldn't fathom the idea of causing her harm. However, the ache persisted.

Maintaining a steady gaze, I inched closer to her, towering over her diminutive frame. "What are you doing here?" I inquired, my tone deceptively calm, hoping to elicit a flicker of fear in her eyes. And indeed, a hint of trepidation flashed across her features. Yet, she remained silent, enveloped by the palpable silence of the terrace.

Just as I was about to press her for a response, she surprised me. Rising onto her tiptoes, she encircled her arms around my neck, resting her chin upon my shoulder and burying her face in the crook of my neck. An indescribable sensation washed over me, conflicting with the turmoil within. I should have pushed her away, berated her for her actions. But I couldn't resist the pull.

Instinctively, my arms wrapped around her waist, drawing her closer in a comforting embrace. It was a familiar position, one that brought solace even amidst the chaos of our emotions. I held her tightly, unable to resist the allure of her presence.

This is comforting...
She is my comfort


Could you please provide feedback on this chapter? It's disheartening to receive no comments after putting in so much effort. I'd really appreciate even just one comment. Also, I'm curious to know your thoughts on how I've portrayed Vivaan's feelings for Preeti. Until then,

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