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I think that the date went well but I still think she doesn't like me. My brother is coming to visit. He's supposed to come tomorrow hes nice just thinks he's better then most people. He dates almost every girl i like so I can't show my feelings towards Maddie.

Today me and Noah are just playing video games. A couple minutes later Alex and Matt come in with Maddie. I tell them that my brother is coming tomorrow. Of course Maddie asked if my sister was coming too I told her she's on vacation across the country.


Today's when my brother comes apparently he going to come soon.

"Hey Duke long time no see." Max says.

"Good to see you too max." I say.

"Max this is-" I start to speak to get cut off by my brother.

"Yes, yes, hello Noah, Matt, and Alex and do I know you." He says and looks Maddie up and down.


"Hey I'm Maddie." I say.

"I'm Dukes brother, Max." He says.

"So which one are you dating." Max says.

"I'm not dating anyone of them actually. I'm there roommate. More like your brothers." I say.

"Oh well I'm surprised none of them jumped on the chance to date you." He says.

"Ya well I'm fine with out a boyfriend." I say.

"Too bad I think you're cute." He says.

"You're cute too." I say.

"Can I talk to you alone Maddie." He says

"I don't think that's a good idea." Noah says.

"It's fine i can go." I say.

We walk you into the hall.

"I like you Maddie." He says.

"I'm sorry how old are you?" I say.

"I'm 20 and you darling." He says.

"18 my birthdays in a week." I say.

"So would you go on a date with me." He says.

Now I feel bad.

"Sure what day." I say.

"How about tonight?" He asks.

"Sure." I say.

"Ok its a date." He says.

Very funny. We walk back into the room.

"Well I have to get somethings I will be back in a little." He says.

"What did he say to you." Duke asks the second Max is out the door.

"Nothing much just something about a date." I mumble thinking no one heard me but of course someone heard.

"Are you fucking kidding me a date I'm going to kill him. Did he force you to." Duke says.

"No im the one who said yes." I say.

"Maddie please don't go." Noah says.

"Too bad I already said yes." I say.

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